
时间:2015-08-13 16:29:51

标签: d


mapping:  x = data2[, i]

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)


棘手的部分是getMember需要编译时字符串,所以我们不能直接将命令行参数传递给它。相反,我们构建一个switch来从参数派遣 - 几乎就像你手工一样,但不是自己编写所有名称,而是让循环处理它。



import std.stdio;

// I'm grouping all the commands in a struct
// so it is easier to loop over them without
// other stuff getting in the way
struct Commands {
    // making them all static so we don't need to instantiate it
    // to call commands. This is often not the best way but it makes
    // for an easy demo and does work well a lot of the time.

    // Also assuming they all return void and have no arguments.
    // It is possible to handle other things, but it gets a lot
    // more involved. (I think my book example goes partially into
    // it, or something like my web.d goes all the way and generates
    // web/http and javascript/json apis from a full signature but that
    // code is pretty unreadable...)

    void func001() {
        writef("func001 called\n");
    void func002() {
        writef("func002 called\n");

void main(string[] args) {
    if(args.length > 1)
    // we switch on the runtime value..
    // the label will be used below
    outer: switch(args[1]) {
        // then loop through the compile time options to build
        // the cases. foreach with a compile time argument works
        // a bit differently than runtime - it is possible to build
        // switch cases with it.
        // See also: http://dlang.org/traits.html#allMembers
        // and the sample chapter of my book
        foreach(memberName; __traits(allMembers, Commands)) {
            case memberName:
                // get the member by name with reflection,
                // and call it with the parenthesis at the end
                __traits(getMember, Commands, memberName)();

            // breaking from the labeled switch so we don't fallthrough
            // and also won't break the inner loop, which we don't want.
            break outer;

        default: // default is required on most D switches
            writef("No such function, %s!\n", args[1]);
    else { // insufficient args given
        writeln("Argument required. Options are:");
        // we can also loop to list names at runtime
        foreach(memberName; __traits(allMembers, Commands)) {

答案 1 :(得分:5)


module test;
import std.format, std.stdio, std.conv;

void func001() {

void func002() {

alias Proto = void function();
Proto[string] funcs;

// assign the functions to a string in the static constructor
static this() {
    funcs["func001"] = &func001;
    funcs["func002"] = &func002;

void main(string[] args) {
    if (args.length < 2) return;
    //!\ note that first argument is always the application exename /!\\
    auto funcnum = to!uint(args[1]);
    auto funcname = format("func%03d", funcnum);

    // try to get the matching function pointer
    Proto* f = funcname in funcs;

    // call it if the function pointer is assigned
    if (f != null) (*f)(); 

请注意,在您的初始示例中,您使用参数发生了错误。 args[0]始终设置为应用程序exename。第一个自定义参数实际上是args[1]







答案 2 :(得分:3)

而不是将你的字符串(参数,运行时)转换为函数调用(主要是编译)并进入强烈的内存/运行时/ DLL的东西,你可以只做一个简单的if语句

对你来说有些假,如果你想要我,我会愉快地把它翻译成D -

Given functions func001, func002, func003:
 Read and store a string input
 if the input is equal to "func001":
  Call func001
 else if input is equal to "func002":
  Call func002
 else if the input is equal to "func003":
  Call func 003
  Print "Not a valid function name. Available functions are func001, func002, and func003."

答案 3 :(得分:0)

您采取的方法很可能不是您最终想要做的。我强烈建议您阅读Command pattern,因为这很可能是您要做的事情。



我认为,可以定义一个名为command的用户定义属性(UDA),并用它来注释你想要被视为“命令”的每个函数,然后就可以了使用编译时内省,就像Adam在他的示例中所做的那样设置所有内容,以便您可以在需要时执行这些功能。你可以有一张地图CommandDelegate[string],其中CommandDelegate只是void delegate()或类似的......