
时间:2015-08-13 23:49:30

标签: javascript mysql node.js express sequelize.js

我正在使用Node.js / Express和MySQL与Sequelize.js ORM创建一个调查应用程序。


// define the Questions table
var Questions = sequelize.define('Questions', {
  qId: { type: Sequelize.INTEGER, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true},
  question: Sequelize.STRING
}, {
  timestamps: false

// define the Answers table
var Answers = sequelize.define('Answers', {
  aId: { type: Sequelize.INTEGER, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true},
  answer: Sequelize.STRING,
  answer_count: { type: Sequelize.INTEGER, defaultValue: 0}
}, {
  timestamps: false

// define one-to-many relationship
Questions.hasMany(Answers, {as: 'Answers', foreignKey: 'qId'});

Questions.sync({force: true}).then(function() {
  // OPTIONAL: create a new question upon instantiating the db using sequelize
  Questions.create({question: 'what is your language?'});
  Questions.create({question: 'what is your drink?'});
  console.log('created Questions table');
  }).catch(function(error) {
    console.log('error creating Questions table');

Answers.sync({force: true}).then(function() {
  Answers.create({answer: 'python', qId: 1});
  Answers.create({answer: 'javascript', qId: 1});
  Answers.create({answer: 'ruby', qId: 1});
  Answers.create({answer: 'c++', qId: 1});
  Answers.create({answer: 'manhattan', qId: 2});
  Answers.create({answer: 'cosmopolitan', qId: 2});
  console.log('created Answers table');
}).catch(function(error) {
  console.log('error creating Answers table');


select * from Questions, Answers where Answers.qId=2;


mysql> select * from Answers;
| aId | answer       | answer_count | qId  |
|   1 | python       |            0 |    1 |
|   2 | javascript   |            0 |    1 |
|   3 | ruby         |            0 |    1 |
|   4 | c++          |            0 |    1 |
|   5 | manhattan    |            0 |    2 |
|   6 | cosmopolitan |            0 |    2 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from Questions;
| qId | question               |
|   1 | what is your language? |
|   2 | what is your drink?    |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from Questions, Answers where Answers.qId=2;
| qId | question               | aId | answer       | answer_count | qId  |
|   1 | what is your language? |   5 | manhattan    |            0 |    2 |
|   1 | what is your language? |   6 | cosmopolitan |            0 |    2 |
|   2 | what is your drink?    |   5 | manhattan    |            0 |    2 |
|   2 | what is your drink?    |   6 | cosmopolitan |            0 |    2 |


mysql> select * from Questions, Answers where Answers.qId=2;
| qId | question               | aId | answer       | answer_count | qId  |
|   2 | what is your drink?    |   5 | manhattan    |            0 |    2 |
|   2 | what is your drink?    |   6 | cosmopolitan |            0 |    2 |

我现在已经查看了几个小时的文档,我们非常感谢任何帮助:) 谢谢。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


SELECT * FROM Questions, Answers WHERE Answers.qId = 2 GROUP BY Answers.aId;

SELECT * FROM Questions, Answers WHERE Answers.qId = Questions.qId and Questions.qId = 2;


| qId |            question | aId |        answer | answer_count | qId |
|   2 | what is your drink? |   5 |     manhattan |            0 |   2 |
|   2 | what is your drink? |   6 | cosmopolitan  |            0 |   2 |


Answer.belongsTo(Question, {
  "constraints": true,
  "foreignKey": 'qId'


    "where": {
      "qId": 2
    "include": [Answer]
  .then(function(question) {
    // should show question with its answers

    // should show just answers of this question