用Dictionary [Python]替换其他字符串的字符串

时间:2015-08-14 02:06:29

标签: python dictionary


例如,顺便说一句,btw应该成为'而是变成了“哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇因为该功能将重复翻译文本。 y in by变成'为什么'而y的方式变成了为什么'。

my_dict = {'gr8': 'great', 'btw': 'by the way', 'imho': 'in my humble opinion',
       'jk': 'just kidding', 'l8r': 'later', 'np': 'no problem', 'r': 'are', 'u': 'you',
       'y': 'why', 'ttyl': 'talk to you later', 'l8': 'late', 'atm': 'at the moment',
       'lmk': 'let me know', 'np': 'no problem', 'tia': 'thanks in advance',
       'brb': 'be right back'}

def translate(text, my_dict):
for key in my_dict:
    text = text.replace(key, my_dict[key])
return text

def main():
phrase = raw_input("Enter message to translate: ")
translation = translate(phrase,my_dict)
print "Translated message: %s" % translation



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您可以使用text拆分str.split(),然后对于文本中的每个单词,从dict获取其值,或者如果不存在此值,则直接获取该单词。< / p>


代码 -

def translate(text, dict):
    texts = text.split()
    return ' '.join(dict.get(word,word) for word in texts)


示例/演示 -

>>> def translate(text, dict):
...     texts = text.split()
...     return ' '.join(dict.get(word,word) for word in texts)
>>> def main():
...     phrase = input("Enter message to translate: ")
...     translation = translate(phrase,dict)
...     print("Translated message: %s" % translation)
>>> dict = {'gr8': 'great', 'btw': 'by the way', 'imho': 'in my humble opinion',
...        'jk': 'just kidding', 'l8r': 'later', 'np': 'no problem', 'r': 'are', 'u': 'you',
...        'y': 'why', 'ttyl': 'talk to you later', 'l8': 'late', 'atm': 'at the moment',
...        'lmk': 'let me know', 'np': 'no problem', 'tia': 'thanks in advance',
...        'brb': 'be right back'}
>>> main()
Enter message to translate: Hello brb abtw
Translated message: Hello be right back abtw

答案 1 :(得分:0)


def translate(text, dict):
        for key in dict:
                if ' '+key in text or text.startswith(key):
                        text = text.replace(key, dict[key])
        return text


输入:btw that was a gr8 day!

输出:by the way that was a great day!

答案 2 :(得分:0)


from re import sub
def translate(text, my_dict):
    for key in my_dict:
        text = sub(r"\bkey\b", my_dict[key], text)
    return text


import re

for k, v in my_dict.items():
    my_dict[re.compile(r"\b{}\b".format(k))] = v
    del my_dict[k]

def translate(text, my_dict):
    for key, v in my_dict.items():
        text = key.sub(v, text)
    return text

def main():
    phrase = raw_input("Enter message to translate: ")
    translation = translate(phrase,my_dict)
    print "Translated message: %s" % translation


Enter message to translate: btw
Translated message: by the way


def translate(text, my_dict):
    text = text.split(" ")
    return "".join([my_dict[word] if word in text else word for word in text])

def main():
    phrase = raw_input("Enter message to translate: ")
    translation = translate(phrase,my_dict)
    print "Translated message: %s" % translation



Enter message to translate: btw
Translated message: by the way