
时间:2015-08-21 06:18:58

标签: python numpy numba

我在Python / Numba中编写了一个mergesort:

import numba as nb
import numpy as np

@nb.jit( nopython=True )
def merge( x ):

    n = x.shape[0]

    r   = x.copy()
    tgt = np.empty_like( r )
    while width<n:
        while i<n:
            istart = i
            imid = i+width
            iend = imid+width
            # i has become i+2*width
            i = iend

            if imid>n:
                imid = n

            if iend>n:
            _merge( r, tgt, istart, imid, iend)

        # Swap them round, so that the partially sorted tgt becomes the result,
        # and the result becomes a new target buffer
        r, tgt = tgt, r

    return r

@nb.jit( nopython=True )
def _merge( src_arr, tgt_arr, istart, imid, iend ):
    """ The merge part of the merge sort """
    i0   = istart
    i1   = imid
    for ipos in range( istart, iend ):
        if ( i0<imid ) and ( ( i1==iend ) or ( src_arr[ i0 ] < src_arr[ i1 ] ) ):
            tgt_arr[ ipos ] = src_arr[ i0 ]
            tgt_arr[ ipos ] = src_arr[ i1 ]


def test_merge_multi(self):

    n0 = 21
    n1 = 100

    for n in range( n0, n1 ):
        x = np.random.random_integers( 0, n, size=n )

        with Timer( 'nb' ) as t0:
            r = sas.merge( x )
        with Timer( 'np' ) as t1:
            e = np.sort( x, kind='merge' )
        #print( 'r:%s'%str(r))
        #print( 'e:%s'%str(e))
        print( 'nb/np performance %s'%(t0.interval/t1.interval ))
        np.testing.assert_equal( e, r )


import time

class Timer:    

    def __init__(self,title=None):

    def __enter__(self):
        if self.title:
            print( 'Beginning {0}'.format( self.title ) )
        self.start = time.clock()
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):
        self.end = time.clock()
        self.interval = self.end - self.start
        if self.title:
            print( '{1} took {0:0.4f} seconds'.format( self.interval, self.title ) )
            #print( 'Timer took {0:0.4f} seconds'.format( self.interval ) )


nb/np performance 9307.846153856719
nb/np performance 1.1428571428616743
nb/np performance 0.7142857142925115
nb/np performance 0.8333333333302494
nb/np performance 0.9999999999814962
nb/np performance 0.9999999999777955
nb/np performance 0.8333333333456692
nb/np performance 0.8333333333302494
nb/np performance 1.0
nb/np performance 0.8333333333456692
nb/np performance 1.0
nb/np performance 1.0
nb/np performance 1.0
nb/np performance 0.8333333333456692
nb/np performance 0.9999999999814962
nb/np performance 1.0
nb/np performance 0.9999999999814962
nb/np performance 1.0
nb/np performance 1.0
nb/np performance 1.0000000000185036
nb/np performance 1.2000000000044408
nb/np performance 1.0
nb/np performance 1.0
nb/np performance 1.0
nb/np performance 1.0000000000185036
nb/np performance 1.2000000000088817
nb/np performance 1.0
nb/np performance 1.1666666666512469
nb/np performance 1.0
nb/np performance 1.0
nb/np performance 0.9999999999814962
nb/np performance 1.1666666666728345
nb/np performance 1.1666666666512469
nb/np performance 1.0
nb/np performance 1.0
nb/np performance 1.1666666666512469
nb/np performance 1.1666666666512469
nb/np performance 1.1666666666728345
nb/np performance 1.1666666666728345
nb/np performance 1.1666666666728345
nb/np performance 1.1666666666728345
nb/np performance 1.1666666666512469
nb/np performance 1.1666666666512469
nb/np performance 1.0
nb/np performance 1.1666666666728345
nb/np performance 1.3333333333456692
nb/np performance 1.3333333333024937
nb/np performance 1.3333333333456692
nb/np performance 1.1428571428435483
nb/np performance 1.3333333333209976
nb/np performance 1.1666666666728345
nb/np performance 1.3333333333456692
nb/np performance 1.3333333333209976
nb/np performance 1.000000000012336
nb/np performance 1.1428571428616743
nb/np performance 1.3333333333456692
nb/np performance 1.3333333333209976
nb/np performance 1.1428571428616743
nb/np performance 1.1428571428616743
nb/np performance 1.3333333333456692
nb/np performance 1.499999999990748
nb/np performance 1.2857142857074884
nb/np performance 1.2857142857233488
nb/np performance 1.2857142857029569
nb/np performance 1.1428571428616743
nb/np performance 1.1428571428435483
nb/np performance 1.2857142857233488
nb/np performance 1.2857142857233488
nb/np performance 1.2857142857233488
nb/np performance 1.2857142857233488
nb/np performance 1.2857142857233488
nb/np performance 1.2857142857029569
nb/np performance 1.1249999999895917
nb/np performance 1.2857142857029569
nb/np performance 1.2857142857233488
nb/np performance 1.4285714285623656
nb/np performance 1.249999999993061
nb/np performance 1.1250000000034694
nb/np performance 1.2857142857029569


enter image description here


enter image description here

请注意,对于n&lt; = 20,numpy在调用mergesort时使用插入排序:https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/master/numpy/core/src/npysort/mergesort.c.src




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  • NumPy通过实际递归实现自顶向下递归。您正在使用自下而上的方法,这会使您免于递归堆栈,但通常最终会产生不平衡的合并,从而降低效率。

  • 虽然您的乒乓缓冲区方法很简洁,但您需要移动的数据超出严格要求。像NumPy那样进行就地排序将减少至少75%实现所需的总内存大小,这也可能有助于缓存性能。


def _mergesort(x, lo, hi, buffer):
    if hi - lo <= 1:
    # Python ints don't overflow, so we could do mid = (hi + lo) // 2
    mid = lo + (hi - lo) // 2
    _mergesort(x, lo, mid, buffer)
    _mergesort(x, mid, hi, buffer)
    buffer[:mid-lo] = x[lo:mid]
    read_left = 0
    read_right = mid
    write = lo
    while read_left < mid - lo and read_right < hi:
        if x[read_right] < buffer[read_left]:
            x[write] = x[read_right]
            read_right += 1
            x[write] = buffer[read_left]
            read_left += 1
        write += 1
    # bulk copy of left over entries from left subarray
    x[write:read_right] = buffer[read_left:mid-lo]
    # Left over entries in the right subarray are already in-place

def mergesort(x):
    # Copy input array and flatten it
    x = np.array(x, copy=True).ravel()
    n = x.size
    _mergesort(x, 0, n, np.empty(shape=(n//2,), dtype=x.dtype))
    return x