
时间:2015-08-22 12:51:37

标签: sql


    | Task# | Action Type |       Time       | Action By | Completed By |
    |     1 | Assigment   | 2015-07-23 10:00 | Nick      | Nick         |
    |     1 | Resolution  | 2015-07-23 10:40 | Nick      | Nick         |
    |     1 | Closure     | 2015-07-23 12:41 | Nick      | Nick         |
    |     2 | Assigment   | 2015-07-24 10:00 | Nick      | Nick         |
    |     2 | Assigment   | 2015-07-24 10:30 | John      | Nick         |
    |     2 | Resolution  | 2015-07-24 11:30 | Nick      | Nick         |
    |     2 | Closure     | 2015-07-24 12:45 | Nick      | Nick         |
    |     3 | Assigment   | 2015-07-25 10:00 | John      | Nick         |
    |     3 | Resolution  | 2015-07-25 11:00 | Nick      | Nick         |
    |     3 | Closure     | 2015-07-25 13:50 | Nick      | Nick         |
    |     4 | Assigment   | 2015-07-26 10:00 | Nick      | Nick         |
    |     4 | Assigment   | 2015-07-26 10:30 | John      | Nick         |
    |     4 | Resolution  | 2015-07-26 10:40 | Nick      | Nick         |
    |     4 | Assigment   | 2015-07-26 11:50 | John      | Nick         |
    |     4 | Closure     | 2015-07-26 14:00 | Nick      | Nick         |



  1. 任务#1:尼克完成了这项任务,没有人接触除他以外的任务 =>尼克在这项任务中是自发的
  2. 任务#2:尼克关闭了这项任务,但在关闭之前将其分配给其他人(约翰)=>尼克在这项任务中不是自发的
  3. 任务#3:Nick关闭了这个任务,他没有在John =>之前触摸这个任务。尼克在这项任务中是自发的
  4. 任务#4:Nick完成了这个任务,但是其他人(John)在他关闭之前工作了=>乔治在这项任务中不是自发的
  5. 因此,尼克自主速度提高了50%(他完成并关闭了4个任务,但他只有2个自主关闭)。约翰自治因子是0%(他没有完成任何任务)。

    总之,尼克认为自治,如果:  尼克是关闭任务的人,没有人在他面前触摸它(例如:任务#1),  2.或者如果有多个人在尼克之前完成任务但不包括尼克,他是最后一个并且他关闭了它(如任务#3,但不像任务#2,4)。


    | Name | Autonomous Factor |
    | Nick | 50%               |
    | John | 0%                |

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  • 任务其他人的最长时间少于此人的最短时间
  • 任务人员的最长时间与任务关闭的最长时间相同。

要收集此信息,您需要考虑分配给该任务的每个人。这需要在任务人员和任务数据之间cross join


select t.task, p.person,
       (case when min(t.actionby) = max(t.actionby) then 1
             when (max(case when t.actionby <> p.person then time end) >
                   min(case when t.actionby = p.person then time end)
                  ) and
                  (max(case when t.actionby = p.person then time end) =
                   max(case when t.action = 'Closure' then time end)
             then  1 else 0
        end) as IsAutonomous
from (select distinct task, actionby as person from tasks) p join
     tasks t
     on p.task = t.task
group by t.task, p.person;


select person, avg(IsAutonomous)
from (select t.task, p.person,
             (case when min(t.actionby) = max(t.actionby) then 1
                       (max(case when t.actionby <> p.person then time end) >
                         min(case when t.actionby = p.person then time end)
                        ) and
                        (max(case when t.actionby = p.person then time end) =
                         max(case when t.action = 'Closure' then time end)
                   then  1 else 0
              end) as IsAutonomous
      from (select distinct task, actionby as person from tasks) p join
           tasks t
           on p.task = t.task
      group by t.task, p.person
     ) tp
group by person;