
时间:2015-08-28 12:09:58

标签: sockets tcp


    Option Strict On

Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text

Public Class Form1

    'Form Controls.  
    Private lblPort As New Label
    Private txtPort As New TextBox
    Private lblIp As New Label
    Private txtIp As New TextBox
    Private lblSend As New Label
    Private txtSend As New TextBox
    Private WithEvents btnConnectSendReceive As New Button
    Private lblReceived As New Label
    Private lvwReceived As New ListView
    Private txtBoxrecieved As New RichTextBox

    'Global Objects.  
    Private gSocket As Socket = Nothing

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        'Setup form controls.  
        With Me
            .Text = "SplitPackManagerTest"
            .Height = 600
        End With
        With lblPort
            .Text = "Port:"
            .Location = New Point(12, 12)
            .AutoSize = True
        End With
        With txtPort
            .Text = "3001" 'Same port that server is listening on.  
            .Location = New Point(100, 12)
        End With
        With lblIp
            .Text = "IP:"
            .Location = New Point(12, 42)
            .AutoSize = True
        End With
        With txtIp
            .Text = "" 'Loop-back IP address (localhost).  
            .Location = New Point(100, 42)
        End With
        With lblSend
            .Text = "Send:"
            .Location = New Point(12, 72)
            .AutoSize = True
        End With
        With txtSend
            .Text = Chr(2) & "(login (term-id 2))" & Chr(3)
            .Location = New Point(100, 72)
        End With
        With btnConnectSendReceive
            .Text = "Connect"
            .Location = New Point(12, 122)
            .Width = 260
        End With
        With lblReceived
            .Text = "Received Bytes:"
            .Location = New Point(12, 182)
            .AutoSize = True
        End With
        With lvwReceived
            .Height = 100
            .Dock = DockStyle.Bottom
            .View = View.Details
            .GridLines = True
            .FullRowSelect = True
            .MultiSelect = False
            .Scrollable = True
            For Each vCol As ColumnHeader In .Columns
                vCol.Width = CInt(Math.Floor(.Width / .Columns.Count)) - CInt(Math.Floor(30 / .Columns.Count))
        End With
        With txtBoxrecieved
            .Height = 200
            .Dock = DockStyle.Bottom
            .ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.Both
        End With
    End Sub

    Private Function ConnectSendReceive(ByVal pSendData As Byte(), ByVal pIp As String, ByVal pPort As Integer) As Byte()

        'Try creating IP endpoint.  
        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(pIp) Then Return Nothing
        If Not IPAddress.TryParse(pIp, Nothing) Then Return Nothing
        Dim vIp As IPAddress = IPAddress.Parse(txtIp.Text)
        Dim vEndPoint As New IPEndPoint(vIp, CInt(txtPort.Text))

        'Timeout will be 0.5 seconds.  
        Dim vTimeout As Integer = 500000

        'For our little example, we expect all messages to be 1024 bytes or below (arbitrary amount).  
        Dim vMessageLength As Integer = 1002400000

        'Remember, when dimensioning arrays, the integer specified is the upper bounds, not the length.  
        Dim vServerResponse As Byte() = Nothing

        'Initiate socket.  
        Dim gSocket As New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)


        Catch ex As Exception
            Return Nothing
        End Try
            If Not gSocket.Connected Then Return Nothing

        'Socket.SendTimeout = vTimeout
        txtBoxrecieved.AppendText("Sending.. " & txtSend.Text)

        'Receive response.  
        'Socket.ReceiveTimeout = vTimeout
        Dim vBuffer(vMessageLength - 1) As Byte
            Dim vNumOfBytesReceived As Integer = 0
                vNumOfBytesReceived = gSocket.Receive(vBuffer, 0, vMessageLength, SocketFlags.None)
            Catch ex As Exception
                Return Nothing
            End Try

            'Return received bytes.  
            ReDim vServerResponse(vNumOfBytesReceived - 1)
            Array.Copy(vBuffer, vServerResponse, vNumOfBytesReceived)

        'Disconnect (since we're using a "Using" statement, the socket will be disconnected here without us explicitly doing it).  

        Return vServerResponse
    End Function

    Private Sub btnConnectSendReceive_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnConnectSendReceive.Click

        'Send message and get response from server.  
        Dim vServerResponse As Byte() = ConnectSendReceive(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(txtSend.Text), txtIp.Text, CInt(txtPort.Text))

        'Did we receive a response?  
        If vServerResponse Is Nothing Then MessageBox.Show("Server not reachable / Received no response from server.") : Exit Sub

        'Do something with response.  
        For Each vByte As Byte In vServerResponse
            Dim vLvi As New ListViewItem
            With vLvi

                'Decimal column.  
                .Text = vByte.ToString

                'Hexidecimal column.  

                'Character column.  
            End With
            With lvwReceived
                .EnsureVisible(.Items.Count - 1)
            End With

    End Sub
    Private Function UnicodeBytesToString(
    ByVal bytes() As Byte) As String

        Return System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes)
    End Function
End Class



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)





因此,如果数据被分成几个数据包,则需要继续读取,直到您拥有完整的有效负载。这可能需要在流中查找边界标记,如果有可能在同一连接上接收更多有效负载,则需要以允许累积其余有效内容的方式保留下一个有效负载的开始。 / p>



您正在使用的I / O样式称为轮询。有时候必须这样做,例如嵌入式系统通常不支持任何更复杂的东西,没有空间。但是在具有完整.NET框架的系统上,您确实应该使用IOCP。对于单个用户应用程序来说,这不是必需的,但如果您选择了正确的习惯,则不会产生可伸缩性问题。



  • 预期的有效载荷长度
  • 有效负载中数据的位置和结构,告诉您剩余部分的长度(或有时是整个数据包的大小)
  • 有效负载标记的结尾,这将是一个特定的字节序列,保证不会在有效负载中出现。


open the connection
while not CheckForCompletePayload(buffer)
  read some data and append it to your buffer 
close the connection.