How does Ember Data manage large amount of records?

时间:2015-09-01 22:02:33

标签: ember.js ember-data

I have been working with Ember Data and i'm trying to understand some concepts. I have a quite heavy data intensive app, my back-end has endpoints that return a lot of records.

So, basically i have Route's that have something like'places') which can return thousands of places having each one several text intensive fields like services or description. This is only one of the resources, there are a few more that handle that amount of data as well.

My main concern is that the app hits some kind of limit or becomes unresponsive. So my question is that: How does Ember Data manage large amount of records ? Is there any best practice to handle those kind of scenarios ?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


Ember Data如何管理大量记录?




不幸的是,没有。某种分页实际上是实现这一目标的唯一方法。但正如您在this thread中所看到的,对于“最佳”方式进行了相当多的讨论。有适用于此场景的适配器和插件,以及旨在简化操作的服务器端样板。但是真的没有规范的方式来对Ember Data进行分页。


更新:Javier Cadiz在评论中提到了JSON API,所以我想我会提到它。 JSON API似乎确实是Ember Data的新事实标准,它确实是specifiy a pagination方法。但是,JSON API相当新,尚未广泛采用。我相信直到最近,Ember Data才转而使用JSON API适配器作为默认设置。使用此分页很可能需要您遵循整个API,而不仅仅是分页方面。 (虽然你总是可以从中窃取某些想法。)因此,我不确定我是否还称它为最佳实践。

结论:JSON API的分页方式可能是未来的方式,但它目前还不是很受欢迎。 (虽然这仅仅是基于我所看到/读到的内容的意见。没有人说有多少人私下使用它。)
