
时间:2015-09-03 09:37:35

标签: macos bash firefox applescript


我需要一个脚本来识别Firefox的类似情况。 一种方法是计算firefox中打开的选项卡的数量。对?如果是零,则没有打开标签。

脚本可以是bash(首选)或applescript(从bash运行)osascript -e 'commands'

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


osascript -e 'tell application "Firefox" to count (every window whose (closeable is true))'

我尝试了窗口的属性(visible is true or miniaturized is true),但是当用户隐藏Firefox时,两者都无效。 没有属性 tab 可用,但我认为,永远不会有没有窗口的标签。

<强>更新 osascript似乎激活所有目标应用程序来编译给定的AppleScript。为了防止它,我们必须使用一点点黑客让osascript不知道我们最终定位的应用程序......

osascript <<FOO 
> tell application "System Events" to set fireFoxIsRunning to ((count of (name of every process where name is "Firefox")) > 0) 
> if fireFoxIsRunning then 
> set targetApp to "Firefox" 
> tell application targetApp to count (every window whose (closeable is true)) 
> else 
> return 0 
> end if 


答案 1 :(得分:0)

如果有其他人感兴趣的话,我会发布最终剧本...会有所帮助。 我在我的包中使用脚本作为预安装脚本。有趣的是,GUI确认工作非常好。

function offOn() {
    var ballCount = 1;
    var ballsCount = 1;
    for (var i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
        $(".grid").append("<div class='grid-inner' id='" + i + "'>sss</div>");

        if (i == 45 || i == 100 || i == 82) {
            $('#'+i).append("<div class='ball' id='ball" + ballCount + "'></div>" + "<div class='arrow-down' id='arrow'></div>" + "<p class='ex'><b>" + ballsCount + "</b></p>")

正如@ShooTerKo所提到的,## Ask the user to quit firefox, in case it is running. ## fireFoxIsRunning status, # -1 = Firefox is not running # 0 = Running without any open (0) window # 1 = window count return error => running with 1 or more windows. (sometime I got error: "every window whose closeable = true doesn’t understand the “count” message". function firefox_status() { firefoxRunning=$(osascript \ -e 'try ' \ -e 'tell application "System Events" to set fireFoxIsRunning to ((count of (name of every process where name is "Firefox")) > 0)' \ -e 'if fireFoxIsRunning then' \ -e 'set targetApp to "Firefox"' \ -e 'tell application targetApp to return number of (windows whose closeable is true)' \ -e 'else' \ -e 'return -1' \ -e 'end if' \ -e 'on error errorMsg number errorNumber' \ -e 'return 1' \ -e 'end try') echo firefoxRunning = $firefoxRunning if [ $firefoxRunning -ne -1 ]; then if [ $firefoxRunning -eq 0 ]; then echo 'Firefox is in the background with no window and so quitting ...' osascript -e 'quit app "Firefox"' else echo "Firefox is running with $firefoxRunning windows" quiteValue=$(osascript \ -e 'set valueReturned to display dialog "Firefox is running. Please quit Firefox to continue installation of the Your Program." with title "Your Program" buttons {"Cancel Installation", "Quit Firefox"} default button 2' \ -e 'return button returned of valueReturned') fi else echo "Firefox is not running" fi } firefox_status # quiteValue will be set only when dialog is shown (firefox is running). # So for empty value return exit code 0 if [ -z "$quiteValue" ]; then exit 0 fi if [ "$quiteValue" == "Quit Firefox" ]; then osascript -e 'quit app "Firefox"' elif [ "$quiteValue" == "Cancel Installation" ]; then exit 1 fi 激活应用程序来编译脚本,并首先查询osascript以感知它是否正在运行,这是我在Apple reference中找到的替代方案被称为强制。这将在没有系统事件帮助的情况下充当上述脚本,即如果它没有运行则不会运行Firefox。 当我在脚本编辑器中尝试代码时,它可以工作。但是当如上所述在bash脚本中运行此代码时,它会启动Firefox,然后始终返回1(打开窗口)。

"System Events"


tell application "Firefox"
    if it is running then
        set num to count (every window whose (closeable is true))
        return num
        return -1
    end if
end tell