
时间:2015-09-03 17:01:06

标签: php mysql database apache

我有一个非常小的LAMP Ubuntu服务器,但我是.NET程序员。我想创建一个非常小的PHP页面来计算看到特定页面的人数,例如。

http://myip/apache/page.php?name=NAME&id=X 其中name是一个字符串,id是一个整数。 如果这个URL已被请求两次或更多次,我想增加它就像'Facebook上的类似按钮'。另外,如何在mysql数据库中创建表,如何创建新ID,但如果存在ID,则只需将其递增1即可更新; +1。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


如果您没有phpMyAdmin,可以像下面这样安装:sudo apt-get install phpmyadmindetails here)然后它就可以从localhost/phpmyadmin





修改 这里有一些应该让你入门的sudo代码。只需将此代码复制到服务器上的文件中并运行它,然后按照它给出的说明进行设置。


// we will put this variable in the document for the visitor to see...
$MESSAGE = "";

// Initialize the $visitor number variable as 0, we'll change this later if there are more visitors.
$visitor_number = 0;

// The filename of the file we'll use to track our visitors count
$FILENAME = "count.txt";

// get the full path based on the relative path of the current file
$FILEPATH = realpath(dirname(__FILE__))."/".$FILENAME;

// check if the file exists first
    $MESSAGE = "<b>The required file does not exist yet!</b><br> Copy and paste the following code into the command line to create it:<br><pre>sudo touch $FILEPATH</pre>";

// check if the file is writable
else if(!is_writable($FILEPATH) || !is_readable($FILEPATH)){
    $MESSAGE = "<b>PHP cannot write to or read from this file yet!</b><br> Copy and paste the following code into the command line to fix it: (Note: this is a bad idea on a live server, this is just a demo.)<br><pre>sudo chmod 777 $FILEPATH</pre>";

// if everything else works, let's get the count from the file and then update the file with the new count

    // get the contents of the file
    $count = file_get_contents($FILEPATH);

    // if there is already a count, we addd one to it so as to count the current visitor
    if(!empty($count)) $count = $count+1;

    // otherwise the count starts at zero
    else $count = 1;

    // update the current count file
    // open the file for writing
    $fh = fopen($FILEPATH,"w+");

    // write the new count
    fwrite($fh, $count);

    // close the file 

    // add the count to our message
    $MESSAGE = "Hey, motherlicker! You are visitor number $count!";

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            <p><?php echo $MESSAGE; ?></p>

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