
时间:2015-09-04 07:03:06

标签: c# interface abstract-class


public abstract class AbClass
    public abstract void printMyName();

internal interface Iinterface
    void printMyName();

public class MainClass : AbClass, Iinterface
    //how this methods will be implemented here??? 

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

默认情况下只有一个实现,但如果您使用void Iinterface.printMyName签名定义方法,则可以有两个实现。看看有关Difference between Implicit and Explicit implementations的问题。您的样本中也有一些错误

  • printMyName未标记为抽象,因此它 应该有身体。
  • 如果你想拥有abstract method - 它不能是私人的


public abstract class AbClass
    public abstract void printMyName();

internal interface Iinterface
    void printMyName();

public class MainClass : AbClass, Iinterface
    //how this methods will be implemented here??? 
    public override void printMyName()
        Console.WriteLine("Abstract class implementation");

    //You can implement interface method using next signature
    void Iinterface.printMyName()
        Console.WriteLine("Interface implementation");

public class MainClass_WithoutExplicityImplementation : AbClass, Iinterface
    //how this methods will be implemented here??? 
    public override void printMyName()
        Console.WriteLine("Abstract class and interface implementation");


var mainInstance = new MainClass();
mainInstance.printMyName();      //Abstract class implementation
Iinterface viaInterface = mainInstance;
viaInterface.printMyName();      //Interface implementation

var mainInstance2 = new MainClass_WithoutExplicityImplementation();
mainInstance2.printMyName();      //Abstract class and interface implementation
Iinterface viaInterface = mainInstance2;
viaInterface.printMyName();      //Abstract class and interface implementation

答案 1 :(得分:0)


public class MainClass : AbClass, Iinterface
    //how this methods will be implemented here??? 
    void Iinterface.printMyName()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

您可以致电此cia ((Iinterface(myMainClassInstance).printMyName()。如果您调用myMainClassInstance.printMyName,则会调用基本实现。

