
时间:2015-09-05 20:01:08

标签: linux shell


command1 #first run
command1 #second run
command1 #third run

现在我想找到每次运行command1所消耗的最大RAM。通过在a中运行,我可以找到命令1消耗的最大RAM 单独终止命令:

smem -c "command pss" | grep "command1"


command1 #terminal 1
smem -c "command pss" | grep "command1" #terminal 2 in a loop to get maximum memory
command1 #terminal 1
smem -c "command pss" | grep "command1" #terminal 2 in a loop to get maximum memory
command1 #terminal 1
smem -c "command pss" | grep "command1" #terminal 2 in a loop to get maximum memory/


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

不确定Linux,但您可以在OS X下的Mac上执行此操作:

/usr/bin/time -l <command> 2>&1 | grep -i max


/usr/bin/time -l sleep 1 2>&1 | grep -i max
557056  maximum resident set size                 # <--- program used 557kB


/usr/bin/time -l sleep 1
        1.00 real         0.00 user         0.00 sys
    557056  maximum resident set size
         0  average shared memory size
         0  average unshared data size
         0  average unshared stack size
       145  page reclaims
         0  page faults
         0  swaps
         0  block input operations
         0  block output operations
         0  messages sent
         0  messages received
         0  signals received
         0  voluntary context switches
         2  involuntary context switches