
时间:2015-09-06 13:31:10

标签: c time offset utc





编辑1 :用例是为https://github.com/chmike/timez获取正确的本地时间偏移量。 顺便说一句,如果您认为libc函数操作时间还可以,请阅读此https://rachelbythebay.com/w/2013/03/17/time/

编辑2 :迄今为止我用来计算UTC时间偏移的最佳和最简单的解决方案是

// Bogus: assumes DST is always one hour
int offset = (int)(-timezone / 60 + (daylight ? 60 : 0));


编辑3 :受到@trenki答案的启发,我提出了以下解决方案。这是一个黑客,它欺骗mktime()gmtime()的输出视为本地时间。当DST更改在UTC时间和本地时间之间的时间跨度时,结果是不准确的。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

int main()
    time_t rawtime = time(NULL);
    struct tm *ptm = gmtime(&rawtime);
    // Request that mktime() looksup dst in timezone database
    ptm->tm_isdst = -1;                
    time_t gmt = mktime(ptm);
    double offset = difftime(rawtime, gmt) / 60;
    printf("%f\n", offset);
    return 0;

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

int main()
    time_t rawtime = time(NULL);
    struct tm *ptm = gmtime(&rawtime);
    time_t gmt = mktime(ptm);
    ptm = localtime(&rawtime);
    time_t offset = rawtime - gmt + (ptm->tm_isdst ? 3600 : 0);

    printf("%i\n", (int)offset);


答案 1 :(得分:3)


 %Z    is replaced by the time zone name.

 %z    is replaced by the time zone offset from UTC; a leading plus sign
       stands for east of UTC, a minus sign for west of UTC, hours and
       minutes follow with two digits each and no delimiter between them
       (common form for RFC 822 date headers).


$ date +"%Z: %z"
CEST: +0200

ISO C99在中strftime函数

%z     is replaced by the offset from UTC in the ISO 8601 format
       ‘‘−0430’’ (meaning 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC, west of Greenwich),
       or by no characters if no time zone is determinable. [tm_isdst]
%Z     is replaced by the locale’s time zone name or abbreviation, or by no
       characters if no time zone is determinable. [tm_isdst]

答案 2 :(得分:3)


int deltam() {
    time_t t = time(NULL);
    struct tm *loc = localtime(&t);
    /* save values because they could be erased by the call to gmtime */
    int loc_min = loc->tm_min;
    int loc_hour = loc->tm_hour;
    int loc_day = loc->tm_mday;
    struct tm *utc = gmtime(&t);
    int delta = loc_min - utc->tm_min;
    int deltaj = loc_day - utc->tm_mday;
    delta += (loc_hour - utc->tm_hour) * 60;
    /* hack for the day because the difference actually is only 0, 1 or -1 */
    if ((deltaj == 1) || (deltaj < -1)) {
        delta += 1440;
    else if ((deltaj == -1) || (deltaj > 1)) {
        delta -= 1440;
    return delta;


答案 3 :(得分:3)



@Serge Ballesta回答。所以我虽然会测试它并清理一些细节。我会发表评论但显然太大了。我只是为我的时区锻炼,但是其他人可能想尝试他们的机器和区域。

我向社区wiki提出不是为了获得代表。 Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

这个答案类似于@trenki,只是它减去了附近的struct tm值,而不是假设DST转换是1小时而time_t是以秒为单位。

#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

// return difference in **seconds** of the tm_mday, tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec members.
long tz_offset_second(time_t t) {
  struct tm local = *localtime(&t);
  struct tm utc = *gmtime(&t);
  long diff = ((local.tm_hour - utc.tm_hour) * 60 + (local.tm_min - utc.tm_min))
          * 60L + (local.tm_sec - utc.tm_sec);
  int delta_day = local.tm_mday - utc.tm_mday;
  // If |delta_day| > 1, then end-of-month wrap 
  if ((delta_day == 1) || (delta_day < -1)) {
    diff += 24L * 60 * 60;
  } else if ((delta_day == -1) || (delta_day > 1)) {
    diff -= 24L * 60 * 60;
  return diff;

void testtz(void) {
  long off = -1;
  int delta = 600;
  for (time_t t = 0; t < LONG_MAX-delta; t+=delta) {
    long off2 = tz_offset_second(t);

    // Print time whenever offset changes.
    if (off != off2) {
      struct tm utc = *gmtime(&t);
      printf("%10jd %04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ\n", (intmax_t) t,
              utc.tm_year + 1900, utc.tm_mon + 1, utc.tm_mday,
              utc.tm_hour, utc.tm_min, utc.tm_sec);
      struct tm local = *localtime(&t);
      off = off2;
      printf("%10s %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %2d %6ld\n\n", "",
              local.tm_year + 1900, local.tm_mon + 1, local.tm_mday,
              local.tm_hour, local.tm_min, local.tm_sec, local.tm_isdst ,off);


                                  v----v  Difference in seconds
         0 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
           1969-12-31 18:00:00  0 -21600

   5731200 1970-03-08T08:00:00Z
           1970-03-08 03:00:00  1 -18000

  26290800 1970-11-01T07:00:00Z
           1970-11-01 01:00:00  0 -21600


2109222000 2036-11-02T07:00:00Z
           2036-11-02 01:00:00  0 -21600

2120112000 2037-03-08T08:00:00Z
           2037-03-08 03:00:00  1 -18000

2140671600 2037-11-01T07:00:00Z
           2037-11-01 01:00:00  0 -21600


答案 4 :(得分:1)



#if _WIN32
#    define timegm _mkgmtime

int local_utc_offset_minutes ( ) {
    time_t t  = time ( NULL );
    struct tm * locg = localtime ( &t );
    struct tm locl;
    memcpy ( &locl, locg, sizeof ( struct tm ) );
    return (int)( timegm ( locg ) - mktime ( &locl ) ) / 60;