C ++多态克隆的意外行为

时间:2015-09-07 14:46:14

标签: c++ polymorphism clone


#include <iostream>

class Dog;
class Cat;
class Rat;

// Base class
class Animal{

  virtual Animal * clone() = 0;


// Derived class
template <class T1>
class Specie: public Animal{


  Specie<T1> * clone();

  void DoSomething();


// Purpose of clone(): Return a pointer of type Specie<T1> when applied
// to a pointer to class Animal
template <class T1>
Specie<T1> * Specie<T1>::clone(){

  Specie<T1> *obj;

  obj = dynamic_cast<Specie<T1> *>(this);

  return obj;


// To identify a Dog
template <>
void Specie<Dog>::DoSomething(){

  std::cout << "This is a Dog..." << std::endl;


// To identify a Cat
template <>
void Specie<Cat>::DoSomething(){

  std::cout << "This is a Cat..." << std::endl;


int main(){

Specie<Dog> Dingo;
Specie<Cat> Tom;


Animal *animal3;
animal3 = &Dingo;

// The following works
// Successfull conversion from pointer-to-Animal to pointer-to-Specie<Cat> with dynamic_cast without using clone()
Animal *animal4 = new Specie<Cat>;
Specie<Cat> *animal5;

// Here I can convert the pointer to Animal to a pointer to Specie<T>
// using dynamic_cast. If animal5 was not of the correct type, the compiler would return an error.
animal5 = dynamic_cast<Specie<Cat>*>(animal4);
animal5->DoSomething(); // result ok

// I want to do the same in an automated manner with clone()
// The following DOES NOT WORK with clone()
// clone() does not return a pointer to Specie<T> as expected
// but a pointer to Animal. The compiler complains.
Animal *animal6 = new Specie<Dog>;
Specie<Dog> *bobby;
bobby = animal6->clone();

return 0;

错误:无法将“Animal *”类型的值分配给“Specie *”类型的实体   bobby = animal6-&gt; clone();

为什么它在main中使用dynamic_cast但不使用clone()? 提前谢谢。

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