配置TFS 2013与SonarQube存在构建问题

时间:2015-09-12 12:37:09

标签: sonarqube tfs2013 sonarqube-msbuild-runner

我已将SonarQube配置为与我的TFS 2013配合使用。我按照设置文档中提到的步骤进行操作。当我尝试从TFS在线或Visual Studio提供构建时,我能够成功完成Finish the analysis and upload the results to SonarQube之前的步骤。

我收到错误No ProjectInfo.xml files were found. Check that the analysis targets are referenced by the MSBuild projects being built

我无法弄清楚导致问题的原因。我检查了其中一个链接:No ProjectInfo.xml files were found error from command prompt using MSBuild SonarQube Runner v1.0,它说明了命令提示符。有人可以指出问题出在哪里吗?


2015-09-12T11:44:10.9194896Z Output directory: C:\a\6fb08ad4\.sonarqube\out

2015-09-12T11:44:10.9194896Z Config file: C:\a\6fb08ad4\.sonarqube\out

2015-09-12T11:44:10.9204886Z 11:44:10 AM  Loading the SonarQube analysis config from C:\a\6fb08ad4\.sonarqube\conf\SonarQubeAnalysisConfig.xml

2015-09-12T11:44:10.9204886Z 11:44:10 AM  Attempting to locate the CodeCoverage.exe tool...

2015-09-12T11:44:11.3231261Z 11:44:11 AM  Multiple versions of VS are installed: 11, 12, 14

2015-09-12T11:44:11.3240831Z 11:44:11 AM  Code coverage command line tool: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Team Tools\Dynamic Code Coverage Tools\CodeCoverage.exe

2015-09-12T11:44:11.3240831Z 11:44:11 AM  Fetching code coverage report information from TFS...

2015-09-12T11:44:11.3250829Z 11:44:11 AM  Attempting to locate a test results (.trx) file...

2015-09-12T11:44:11.3250829Z 11:44:11 AM  No test results files found

2015-09-12T11:44:11.3260828Z 11:44:11 AM  Generating SonarQube project properties file to C:\a\6fb08ad4\.sonarqube\out\sonar-project.properties

2015-09-12T11:44:11.3270789Z ##[error]11:44:11 AM  No ProjectInfo.xml files were found. Check that the analysis targets are referenced by the MSBuild projects being built.

2015-09-12T11:44:11.3270789Z 11:44:11 AM  Writing processing summary to C:\a\6fb08ad4\.sonarqube\out\ProjectInfo.log

2015-09-12T11:44:11.3270789Z 11:44:11 AM  Generation of the sonar-properties file failed. Unable to complete SonarQube analysis.

2015-09-12T11:44:11.3280797Z 11:44:11 AM  Creating a summary markdown file...

2015-09-12T11:44:11.3280797Z Process returned exit code 1

2015-09-12T11:44:11.3290776Z ##[error]Post-processing failed. Exit code: 1

2015-09-12T11:44:11.5740896Z ##[error]Unexpected exit code received from batch file: 1

2015-09-12T11:44:11.5790878Z ##[debug]summaryMdPath = C:\a\6fb08ad4\.sonarqube\out\summary.md

2015-09-12T11:44:11.5820880Z ##[debug]Uploading the summary.md file


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