
时间:2015-09-22 14:28:51

标签: batch-file syntax-error

我真的很新.Bat脚本,我正在尝试整合一个嵌套循环过程,其中脚本计算在"待定"中的文件数量。如果文件夹低于一定数量,它会到达"来源"要删除一定数量文件的文件夹。如果金额匹配,那么它将移动到另一个循环,在那里计算有多少文件在" docs"文件夹,再次如果它低于设定的数量,那么来自"待定"如果没有移动,那么让它进入timecount 30秒并从第一个循环开始。

 @echo off

 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

 :: loop1 reads through the pending folder to determine if there are files in it.
 :: if there are the min amount of files the process moves to loop2 if not then it
 :: adds files from the source to the pending

 :: folder names and counts
 set acount=0
 set bcount=2
 set ccount=0
 set gcount=2
 set srcdir=C:...\sourcefolder1
 set dstdir=C:...\pendingfolder

 :: counts files in dstdir and determine if files need to be added
 :: or can move on to next loop
 for /f %%F in ('dir /b %dstdir%') do set /a acount+=1
 if %acount% GEQ %bcount% goto loop2

 ::add files to dstdir
 pushd %srcdir%
 for %%i in (*.txt) do (
 set /a ccount+=1
 move %%i %dstdir%\%%i
 if !ccount! GEQ %gcount% goto loop2

:: loop2 checks to see if there are any files in the docs folder. if there     is a min amount it goes to timecount
:: if there are not a min amount, files from pending get added to docs.

:: folder names and counts
set dcount=-5
set fcount=2
set mcount=0
set srcdir=C:...\pendingfolder
set dstdir=C:...\docs

for /f %%F in ('dir /b %dstdir%') do set /a dcount+=1
if %dcount% GEQ %fcount% goto timecount 

::add files to dstdir
pushd %srcdir%
for %%i in (*.txt) do (
set /a mcount+=1
move %%i %dstdir%\%%i
if !mcount! GEQ %fcount% goto timecount 

goto loop1



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