
时间:2015-09-23 17:26:47

标签: meteor

我正在尝试更新到Meteor 1.2。


Downloading 8 packages                    -





3stack:accounts-password-hook          0.0.2  Overwrites Accounts.createUser to provide an afterCreateUser hook
abpetkov:switchery                     0.1.0  Switchery (official) - turns your default HTML checkbox inputs into beautiful iOS 7 style swi...
accounts-password                      1.1.1* Password support for accounts
alanning:roles                         1.2.13  Role-based authorization
aldeed:autoform                        5.3.2* Easily create forms with automatic insert and update, and automatic reactive validation.
aldeed:collection2                     2.3.3* Automatic validation of insert and update operations on the client and server.
aldeed:simple-schema                   1.3.3  A simple schema validation object with reactivity. Used by collection2 and autoform.
aramk:rrule                            2.1.0  JavaScript library for working with recurrence rules for calendar dates.
babrahams:transactions                 0.6.21* Undo/Redo stack based on transactions
benmgreene:moment-range                1.0.7  Fancy date ranges for Moment.js packaged for Meteor.
cmather:handlebars-server              2.0.0  Allows handlebars templates to be defined on the server in .handlebars files
coffeescript                           1.0.6* Javascript dialect with fewer braces and semicolons
cunneen:mailgun                        0.9.1  Easily send emails using Mailgun as your email provider.
cunneen:sendgrid                       0.9.0  Easily send emails using Sendgrid your email provider.
czbaker:apac                           0.0.3  Access to the Amazon Product Advertising API, using the NodeJS 'apac' module.
czbaker:lightbox2                      2.7.1_1  Provides the Lightbox2 JS library for Meteor.
dhtmlx:scheduler                       0.0.2  dhtmlxScheduler is an event calendar that allows adding a Google-like scheduler on a web page.
edgee:slingshot                        0.7.1  Directly post files to cloud storage services, such as AWS-S3.
email                                  1.0.6* Send email messages
francocatena:status                    1.3.0* Display the connection status between the browser and the Meteor server
gilbertwat:bootstrap3-daterangepicker  1.3.21_1  Date range picker component for Twitter Bootstrap 3
houston:admin                          2.0.3* A zero-config Meteor Admin
ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3            1.2.59+ Bootstrap-styled accounts-ui with multi-language support.
iron:router                            1.0.9  Routing specifically designed for Meteor
jonblum:jquery-cropper                 0.10.1* Fengyuan Chen's terrific jQuery plugin for cropping/zooming/rotating images, packaged for Me...
juliancwirko:s-alert                   2.4.1* Simple and fancy notifications / alerts / errors for Meteor
juliancwirko:s-alert-slide             1.1.3* Slide effect for s-alert - simple and fancy notifications / alerts for Meteor.
kadira:debug                           2.1.0* Full Stack Debugging Solution for Meteor
kevohagan:sweetalert                   0.5.0* a beautiful replacement for javascript's alert() 
meteor-platform                        1.2.2* Include a standard set of Meteor packages in your app
meteorhacks:cluster                    1.6.9  Clustering solution for Meteor with load balancing and service discovery.
meteorhacks:kadira                     2.22.0* Performance Monitoring for Meteor
meteorhacks:npm                        1.5.0  Use npm modules with your Meteor App
meteorhacks:ssr                        2.1.2  Server Side Rendering for Meteor with Blaze
meteortoys:allthings                   1.2.1* Insanely Handy Development Tools for Meteor
mquandalle:jade                        0.4.3* Jade template language
mrt:accounts-admin-ui-bootstrap-3      0.2.7+ A roles based account management system using bootstrap 3
mrt:cron                               0.0.1  Simple meteor.cron
mrt:jquery-masonry                     0.1.0  jQuery Masonry repackaged for Meteor
mrt:moment                             2.8.1  Moment.js, a JavaScript date library for dates, packaged for Meteor. See
mrt:moment-timezone                    0.2.1  Timezone support for moment.js, packaged for Meteor. See
multiply:iron-router-progress          1.0.1* Progressbar for iron:router
natestrauser:font-awesome              4.3.0* Latest version Font-Awesome loaded via CDN
natestrauser:select2                   3.5.1* Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes.
npm-container                          1.2.0+ Contains all your npm dependencies
praxie:canvas-to-blob                  1.1.1  JavaScript Canvas to Blob is a function to convert canvas elements into Blob objects
random                                 1.0.3* Random number generator and utilities
rcy:nouislider                         7.0.7_2  noUiSlider is a lightweight jQuery range slider plugin
reactive-var                           1.0.5* Reactive variable
reywood:publish-composite              1.3.6* Publish a set of related documents from multiple collections with a reactive join
risul:bootstrap-colorpicker            2.2.0  Bootstrap Colorpicker:
sacha:spin                             2.3.1  Simple spinner package for Meteor
skinnygeek1010:validate-form           0.3.0  A micro form validator
stylus                                 1.0.7* Expressive, dynamic, robust CSS
themeteorchef:bert                     1.1.0  Client-side curmudgeon for Meteor.
tsega:bootstrap3-datetimepicker        4.14.30_4  Bootstrap 3 DateTime picker from @Eonasdan, packaged for Meteor.js
twbs:bootstrap                         3.3.5  The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the ...
woody:stripe-easy                      0.1.0+ Subsciptions with Stripe made easy for Meteor.
yogiben:pretty-email                   0.0.6  Send pretty emails
zimme:collection-timestampable         1.0.9  Add timestamps to collections
zimme:select2-bootstrap3-css           1.4.6  CSS to make Select2 fit in with Bootstrap 3

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