阻止访问任何第三方javascript代码的href url

时间:2015-09-24 08:54:53

标签: javascript href

我正在我的网页上运行第三方javascripts ,他们在未经我同意的情况下抓取href网址。有没有办法阻止它并避免它们访问它而不用iframe调用它们?



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

location.href属性是只读的。我只能使用此stackoverflow帖子中概述的greasemonkey脚本的修改版本来部分解决此问题:Stop execution of Javascript function (client side) or tweak it

在下面的脚本中,调用函数displayUrl(),它将document.location.href警告到屏幕。 greasemonkey脚本使用Document.onbeforescriptexecute事件在javascript被执行之前拦截它,并用另一个字符串替换document.location.href。





function checkForBadJavascripts (controlArray) {

    /*--- Note that this is a self-initializing function.  The controlArray
        parameter is only active for the FIRST call.  After that, it is an
        event listener.

        The control array row is  defines like so:
        [bSearchSrcAttr, identifyingRegex, callbackFunction]
            bSearchSrcAttr      True to search the SRC attribute of a script tag
                                false to search the TEXT content of a script tag.
            identifyingRegex    A valid regular expression that should be unique
                                to that particular script tag.
            callbackFunction    An optional function to execute when the script is
                                found.  Use null if not needed.
    if ( ! controlArray.length) return null;

    checkForBadJavascripts      = function (zEvent) {

        for (var J = controlArray.length - 1;  J >= 0;  --J) {
            var bSearchSrcAttr      = controlArray[J][0];
            var identifyingRegex    = controlArray[J][1];

            if (bSearchSrcAttr) {

                if (identifyingRegex.test (zEvent.target.src) ) {
                    stopBadJavascript (J);
                    return false;
            else {
                if (identifyingRegex.test (zEvent.target.textContent) ) {
                    stopBadJavascript (J);
                    return false;

        function stopBadJavascript (controlIndex) {
            zEvent.stopPropagation ();
            zEvent.preventDefault ();

            var callbackFunction    = controlArray[J][2];
            //if (typeof callbackFunction == "function") {
                //callbackFunction ();

                if (bSearchSrcAttr) {
                    var jsScript = zEvent.target.src;
                } else {
                    var jsScript = zEvent.target.textContent;

                jsScript = jsScript.replace("document.location.href", "'http://example.com'");

            //--- Remove the node just to clear clutter from Firebug inspection.
            zEvent.target.parentNode.removeChild (zEvent.target);

            //--- Script is intercepted, remove it from the list.
            controlArray.splice (J, 1);
            if ( ! controlArray.length) {
                //--- All done, remove the listener.
                window.removeEventListener (
                    'beforescriptexecute', checkForBadJavascripts, true

    /*--- Use the "beforescriptexecute" event to monitor scipts as they are loaded.
        See https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/element.onbeforescriptexecute
        Note that it does not work on acripts that are dynamically created.
    window.addEventListener ('beforescriptexecute', checkForBadJavascripts, true);

    return checkForBadJavascripts;

function addJS_Node (text, s_URL, funcToRun) {
    var D                                   = document;
    var scriptNode                          = D.createElement ('script');
    scriptNode.type                         = "text/javascript";
    if (text)       scriptNode.textContent  = text;
    if (s_URL)      scriptNode.src          = s_URL;
    if (funcToRun)  scriptNode.textContent  = '(' + funcToRun.toString() + ')()';

    var targ = D.getElementsByTagName ('head')[0] || D.body || D.documentElement;
    //--- Don't error check here. if DOM not available, should throw error.
    targ.appendChild (scriptNode);

/*--- Check for bad scripts to intercept and specify any actions to take.
checkForBadJavascripts ( [
    [   false, 
        function () {
            addJS_Node (replaceScript);
] );


function displayUrl()
    var pageUrl = document.location.href;




    //if (typeof callbackFunction == "function") {
        //callbackFunction ();

        if (bSearchSrcAttr) {
            var jsScript = zEvent.target.src;
        } else {
            var jsScript = zEvent.target.textContent;

        jsScript = jsScript.replace("document.location.href", "'http://example.com'");