如何处理Netty ChannelGroup中的慢接收器

时间:2015-09-25 10:43:24

标签: netty




public class ServerChannelHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<String> {
    private ChannelGroup group;

    protected void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, String msg) throws Exception {
        BizObject bizObject = doBizLogic(msg);


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For all channel in group
   if channel.isWritable is true => immediate write and flush
   possibility 1) (difficult) else through channel.channelPipeline() get the right handler
      on future channelWritabilityChanged(), write what you need
      you need to handle various things:
        - the message to send, 
        - the possibility the writabilityChanged before your handler is ready to handle this
        - ...
   possibility 2) (easy) else add this channel in a new temporary group
call once the loop is over this group asynchronously as you did
  - group.writeAndFlush(object) in an extra thread (so totally asynchronously) 
  - with a possible extra object (shared by the caller thread and the callee) 
  if you want to know when all messages are effectively sent