
时间:2015-09-29 15:55:31

标签: node.js testing mocha


import Mocha from 'mocha';
const Test = Mocha.Test;
const Suite = Mocha.Suite;
const mocha = new Mocha();
for (let s in tests) {
  let suite = Suite.create(mocha.suite, s);
  tests[s].forEach((test) => {
    console.log('add test', test.name)
    suite.addTest(new Test(test.name), () => {


{ todo: 
  [ { name: 'POST /todos',
      should: 'create a new todo',
      method: 'POST',
      endpoint: '/todos',
      body: [Object] } ] }



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)




suite.addTest(new Test(test.name, () => {

当我使用import Mocha from 'mocha'; import { expect } from 'chai'; const Test = Mocha.Test; const Suite = Mocha.Suite; const mocha = new Mocha(); var tests = { todo: [ { name: 'POST /todos', should: 'create a new todo', method: 'POST', endpoint: '/todos', body: [Object] } ] }; for (let s in tests) { let suite = Suite.create(mocha.suite, s); tests[s].forEach((test) => { console.log('add test', test.name); suite.addTest(new Test(test.name, () => { expect(1+1).to.equal(2); })); }); } mocha.run(); 运行上述内容时,我得到输出:

node_modules/.bin/babel-node test.es6

答案 1 :(得分:2)

测试您的测试系统并确保它处理传递和失败测试以及抛出异常是至关重要的。 由于人们指望构建过程警告他们错误,因此如果出现任何故障,还必须将退出代码设置为非零。 下面是一个测试脚本(您必须使用node test.js调用而不是mocha test.js)来测试测试套件中的所有路径:

const Mocha = require('mocha')
const expect = require('chai').expect
var testRunner = new Mocha()
var testSuite = Mocha.Suite.create(testRunner.suite, 'Dynamic tests')

var tests = [ // Define some tasks to add to test suite.
  { name: 'POST /todos', f: () => true }, //              Pass a test.
  { name: 'GET /nonos',  f: () => false }, //             Fail a test.
  { name: 'HEAD /hahas', f: () => { throw Error(0) } } // Throw an error.

  test =>
    // Create a test which value errors and caught exceptions.
    testSuite.addTest(new Mocha.Test(test.name, function () {
var suiteRun = testRunner.run() //             Run the tests
process.on('exit', (code) => { //              and set exit code.
  process.exit(suiteRun.stats.failures > 0) // Non-zero exit indicates errors.
}) // Falling off end waits for Mocha events to finish.



const Mocha = require('mocha')
const expect = require('chai').expect
var testRunner = new Mocha()
var testSuite = Mocha.Suite.create(testRunner.suite, 'Network tests')

var tests = [ // Define some long async tasks.
  { name: 'POST /todos', pass: true, wait: 3500, exception: null },
  { name: 'GET /nonos', pass: false, wait: 2500, exception: null },
  { name: 'HEAD /hahas', pass: true, wait: 1500, exception: 'no route to host' }

  test =>
    // Create a test which value errors and caught exceptions.
    testSuite.addTest(new Mocha.Test(test.name, function () {
      this.timeout(test.wait + 100) // so we can set waits above 2000ms
      return asynchStuff(test).then(asyncResult => {
      }) // No .catch() needed because Mocha.Test() handles them.
var suiteRun = testRunner.run() //             Run the tests
process.on('exit', (code) => { //              and set exit code.
  process.exit(suiteRun.stats.failures > 0) // Non-zero exit indicates errors.
}) // Falling off end waits for Mocha events to finish.

function asynchStuff (test) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    setTimeout(() => {
//    console.log(test.name + ' on ' + test.endpoint + ': ' + test.wait + 'ms')
      if (test.exception)
      resolve({name: test.name, pass: test.pass}) // only need name and pass
    }, test.wait)


  Network tests
    ✓ POST /todos (3504ms)
    1) GET /nonos
    2) HEAD /hahas
  1 passing (8s)
  2 failing

  1) Network tests GET /nonos:
      AssertionError: expected false to be true
      + expected - actual    

  2) Network tests HEAD /hahas:
     Error: no route to host

<小时/> 延迟执行:在填充和启动mocha测试套件之前,此方法会调用所有缓慢的任务:

const Mocha = require('mocha')
const expect = require('chai').expect
var testRunner = new Mocha()
var testSuite = Mocha.Suite.create(testRunner.suite, 'Network tests')

var tests = [ // Define some long async tasks.
  { name: 'POST /todos', pass: true, wait: 3500, exception: null },
  { name: 'GET /nonos', pass: false, wait: 2500, exception: null },
  { name: 'HEAD /hahas', pass: true, wait: 1500, exception: 'no route to host' }

Promise.all(tests.map( // Wait for all async operations to finish.
  test => asynchStuff(test)
    .catch(e => { // Resolve caught errors so Promise.all() finishes.
      return {name: test.name, caughtError: e}
)).then(testList => // When all are done,
  testList.map( //     for each result,
    asyncResult => //  test value errors and exceptions.
      testSuite.addTest(new Mocha.Test(asyncResult.name, function () {
        if (asyncResult.caughtError) { // Check test object for caught errors
          throw asyncResult.caughtError
).then(x => { //                                 When all tests are created,
  var suiteRun = testRunner.run() //             run the tests
  process.on('exit', (code) => { //              and set exit code.
    process.exit(suiteRun.stats.failures > 0) // Non-zero exit indicates errors.

function asynchStuff (test) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    setTimeout(() => {
//    console.log(test.name + ' on ' + test.endpoint + ': ' + test.wait + 'ms')
      if (test.exception)
      resolve({name: test.name, pass: test.pass}) // only need name and pass
    }, test.wait)

输出是相同的,只是mocha没有抱怨慢速测试,而是认为测试工具不到10ms。 Promise.all等待所有承诺解析或拒绝然后创建测试以验证结果或报告异常。这比嵌入式执行长几行,因为它必须:

  1. 解决异常,以便Promise.all()解决。
  2. 在最终Promise.all().then()
  3. 中执行测试
