
时间:2015-10-01 23:24:01

标签: matlab plot


 Result result = db.execute(MATCH (a:user), (b:user) WHERE a.ID='1' AND b.ID='7' Merge (a)-[: friend]->(b) return a, b)


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[mag,ph,w] = bode(H); % gets the data without generating the figure
plot(w, mag, 'b'); % plots only the magnitudes

freqs = data(:,1); % These 2 lines depend on how your data is formatted
gains = data(:,2); % These 2 lines depend on how your data is formatted

hold on % will add new content to the existing figure without erasing the previous content
plot(freqs, gains, 'r');
hold off 


h = bodeplot(H);
setoptions(h,'FreqUnits','Hz','PhaseVisible','off'); % suppress the phase plot

freqs = data(:,1); % These 2 lines depend on how your data is formatted
gains = data(:,2); % These 2 lines depend on how your data is formatted

hold on % will add new content to the existing figure without erasing the previous content
plot(freqs, gains, 'r');
hold off 