
时间:2015-10-05 22:11:03

标签: c# generics text io


public static void WriteDataListToFile<T>(T dataList, string folderPath, string fileName) where T : IEnumerable, ICollection
    //Check to see if file already exists
    if(!File.Exists(folderPath + fileName))
        //if not, create it
        File.Create(folderPath + fileName);

    using(StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(folderPath + fileName))
        foreach(var type in dataList)


  1. 将文本文件拆分为行,然后将这些行拆分为各个数据类型的字符串。
  2. 使用反射来确定数据类型的结构
  3. 将字符串转换为2中标识的类型(根据指定泛型集合的格式)
  4. 到目前为止,我有以下内容:

    public static T LoadDataListFromFile<T>(string filePath) where T : IEnumerable, ICollection
        //1. Text File to String Representations of Data Types
        char[] splitters = new char[]
            ',', '-'
        List<string[]> dataStrings = new List<string[]>();
        //Check to see if file already exists
            using(StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filePath))
                //Seperate function I've written to calc num lines in a text file
                int numLines = NumLines(filePath);
                for(int i = 0; i < numLines; i++)
                    string line = sr.ReadLine();
                    //remove all of the save formatting from the line(*Possibly do this on save)
                    line = line.Replace("[", "");
                    line = line.Replace("]", "");
                    line = line.Replace(" ", "");
                    //split the line as per the specified data splitters
                    string[] splitline = line.Split(splitters);
                    //add the strings representing different data types from this line
            //if reading the file doesn't work
            throw new Exception("Cannot load file");
        //2. Determining the datatypes and their structure
        //overall generic type
        Type tType = typeof(T);
        //individual parameter types of generic type
        Type[] tTypes = tType.GetGenericArguments();
        //need to get constructor of types, then instance them, passing the string parameters(converted to their respective types) as parameters for the constructor 
        //for each of those parameter types
        List<object> parameterInstances = new List<object>();
        foreach(Type t in tTypes)
            //create an instance of this particular type, with its parameters
            parameterInstances.Add(Activator.CreateInstance(t, BindingFlags.CreateInstance));
        //3. Construct the result
        //Create an instance of the overall type and populate it with the results
        var result = Activator.CreateInstance(tType, BindingFlags.CreateInstance);
        return (T)result;


    谢谢, 马特

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