
时间:2015-10-07 13:22:21

标签: python dictionary split key-value


Example 1:
nextline = "DD:MM:YYYY INFO - 'WeeklyMedal: Hole = 1; Par = 4; Index = 2; Distance = 459; Score = { Player1 = 4 };"

Example 2:
nextline = "DD:MM:YYYY INFO - 'WeeklyMedal: Hole = 1; Par = 4; Index = 2; Distance = 459; Score = { Player1 = 4; Player2 = 6; Player3 = 4 };"

我先用':'分隔这行,这给了我一个包含2个条目的列表。 我想将这一行拆分为带有键和值的字典,但是得分键有多个具有值的子键。

Hole 1
Par 4
Index 2
Distance 459
    Player1 4
    Player2 6
    Player3 4


split_line_by_semicolon = nextline.split(":")
dictionary_of_line = dict((k.strip(), v.strip()) for k,v in (item.split('=')     
    for item in split_line_by_semicolon.split(';')))
        for keys,values in dictionary_of_line.items():
            print("{0} {1}".format(keys,values))


ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)


dictionary_of_line = dict((k.strip(), v.strip()) for k,v in (item.split('=',1)     
    for item in split_line_by_semicolon.split(';')))
        for keys,values in dictionary_of_line.items():
            print("{0} {1}".format(keys,values))


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


import re

nextline = "DD:MM:YYYY INFO - 'WeeklyMedal: Hole = 1; Par = 4; Index = 2; Distance = 459; Score = { Player1 = 4; Player2 = 6; Player3 = 4 };"

# compiles the regular expression to get the info you want
my_regex = re.compile(r'\w+ \= \w+')

# builds the structure of the dict you expect to get 
final_dict = {'Hole':0, 'Par':0, 'Index':0, 'Distance':0, 'Score':{}}

# uses the compiled regular expression to filter out the info you want from the string
filtered_items = my_regex.findall(nextline)

for item in filtered_items:
    # for each filtered item (string in the form key = value)
    # splits out the 'key' and handles it to fill your final dictionary
    key = item.split(' = ')[0]
    if key.startswith('Player'):
        final_dict['Score'][key] = int(item.split(' = ')[1])
        final_dict[key] = int(item.split(' = ')[1])

答案 1 :(得分:1)

我会像maccinza一样使用正则表达式(我喜欢他的答案),只有一个小的区别 - 内部字典的数据可以递归处理:

this.comboBox1.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(MyEnum));
    new Binding("SelectedValue", yourObjectToBind, "PropertyOfYourObject",
                true,  DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged));

答案 2 :(得分:0)

lines = "DD:MM:YYYY INFO - 'WeeklyMedal: Hole = 1; Par = 4; Index = 2; Distance = 459; Score = { Player1 = 4 };", "DD:MM:YYYY INFO - 'WeeklyMedal: Hole = 1; Par = 4; Index = 2; Distance = 459; Score = { Player1 = 4; Player2 = 6; Player3 = 4 };"

def lines_to_dict(nextline):
    import json
    # cut up to Hole
    nextline = nextline[nextline.index("Hole"):]
    # convert to dict format
    string_ = re.sub(r'\s+=',':',nextline)
    string_ = re.sub(r';',',',string_)
    # json likes double quotes
    string_ = re.sub(r'(\b\w+)',r'"\1"',string_)
    string_ = re.sub(r',$',r'',string_)
    # make dict for Hole
    mo = re.search(r'(\"Hole.+?),\W+Score.*',string_)
    if mo:
        d_hole = json.loads("{" + mo.groups()[0] + "}")
    # make dict for Score
    mo = re.search(r'(\"Score.*)',string_)
    if mo:
        d_score = json.loads("{" + mo.groups()[0] + "}")
    # combine dicts
    return d_hole

for d in lines:

{'Distance': '459',
 'Hole': '1',
 'Index': '2',
 'Par': '4',
 'Score': {'Player1': '4'}}

{'Distance': '459',
 'Hole': '1',
 'Index': '2',
 'Par': '4',
 'Score': {'Player1': '4', 'Player2': '6', 'Player3': '4'}}