
时间:2015-10-11 21:48:42

标签: python loops iteration

湾创建一个模拟简单储蓄账户模拟的程序。首先询问用户初始余额(必须至少100美元,少于400,000美元)。只要用户想继续允许他们进行存款和取款 - 不要透支!用户完成后,输出最终余额。 (建议......使用类似的菜单: 1.存款 2.退出 3.退出)

balance = int(input("Enter initial balance: $ "))

while balance <= 100 or balance >= 400000:
    print ("Invalid Amount!")
    balance = int(input("Ener valid amount: $ "))

deposit = 0
withdraw = 0

if balance >= 100 and balance <= 400000:
    while ans != 3: 
    1. Deposit
    2. Withdrawal
    3. Quit
ans = int(input("What would you like to do? Please enter the appropriate     number. "))
if ans == 1:
    deposit = int(input("\n How much would you like to deposit: $")
    balance = balance + deposit
elif ans == 2:
    withdraw = int(input("\n How much would you like to withdraw: $")
    if (balance - withdraw) < 0
        withdraw = int(input("\n Tried to withdraw too much! How much would  you like to withdraw: $")
        balance = balance - withdraw
elif ans == 3:
print("Your final balance is %d" %balance.)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


if ans == 1:
deposit = int(input("\n How much would you like to deposit: $"))


withdraw = int(input("\n How much would you like to withdraw: $"))


if (balance - withdraw) < 0:


    if (balance - withdraw) < 0
        withdraw = int(input("\n Tried to withdraw too much! How much would  you like to withdraw: $"))


print("Your final balance is %d" % balance)

答案 1 :(得分:0)
