C ++猜测游戏

时间:2015-10-12 00:48:52

标签: c++

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main();
void Menu();
void PlayGame();
void Again();

int main()
// Seed the random number generator
return 0;

// Menu so can keep playing or close the program
void Menu()
int selection = 0;
bool playing = true;

while (playing)
    cout << "Guess Number Game\n\n";
    cout << "Menu\n\n";
    cout << "1) Play Game\n";
    cout << "2) Exit\n\n";
    cout << "Enter your selection: ";
    cin >> selection;
    cout << endl;

    if (selection == 1)
    else if (selection == 2)
        playing = false;
    else if (selection != 1 || 2) //lets the user know why they are going        back to the menu
        cout << "Try again, choose 1 or 2" << endl;


void PlayGame()
int RandomNumber = rand() % 50 + 1; // to set the random number between 1-50
int attempts = 15; // sets attempts at guessing the number to 15
int guess;
const int HighestNum = 50;
const int LowestNum = 1;

cout << "Guess the random number between 1 and 50!\n";

while (true)
    cout << "You have " << attempts << " attempts remaining\n\n"; // so the      user can keep track of attempts
    cout << "Enter a number: ";
    cin >> guess;
    cout << '\n';

    if (guess == RandomNumber)
        cout << "Congratulations, you won: " << RandomNumber << "!";
        cout << "\n\n" << endl;
        cout << "Would you like to play again y or n?" << endl;
        cin.get ();
        void Again();
    else if (guess < RandomNumber) // to satisfy requirements of showing user whether the guess is too low
        cout << "That guess is too low!\n" << endl;
    else if (guess > RandomNumber)// to satisfy requirements of showing user whether the guess is too high
        cout << "That guess is too high!\n" << endl;
    else if (guess > HighestNum || guess < LowestNum)
        cout << "Guess must be lower than 50 and higher than 1, Try again"     << endl; //setup so guesses not within the range of 1-50 do not count against the 15 guesses
        cin.get();//remove this to count guesses that are outside the 1-50

    if (attempts == 0)
        cout << "Sorry, no guesses remain. The random number was... " <<     RandomNumber << "!";//so the user can see the random number at the end of their attempts
        cout << "\n";
        void Again();
void Again();
int decision = 0;
bool TryAgain = true;
char y;
char Y;
char n;
char N;

while (TryAgain)
    cout << "Y) Play Again\n";
    cout << "N) Exit\n\n";
    cout << "Enter your selection: ";
    cin >> decision;
    cout << endl;

    if (decision == y || decision == Y)
    else if (decision == n || decision == N)
        TryAgain = false;
    else if (decision != y, Y || n, N) //lets the user know why they are going back to the menu
        cout << "Try again, choose y or n" << endl;

尝试让void Again ();void PlayGame();中读取。使用void Again();询问用户是否想再玩一次。请帮助!

还可以使用某人的帮助来更改函数以使原型int reviewGuess(int,int),其中函数将计算机生成的随机数作为第一个参数,并将用户猜测的数字作为第二个参数。

  • 如果数字匹配,则函数将返回零值。
  • 如果数字太高,该函数将返回值1.
  • 如果数字太低,函数将返回值-1。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

首先,你应该解决Alde提到的问题。接下来是while (true)声明的内容?您应该将其替换为while (attempts != 0)并设置:

if (attempts == 0) {
    cout << "Sorry, no guesses remain. The random number was... " << RandomNumber 
        << "!";//so the user can see the random number at the end of their attempts
    cout << "\n";
    void Again();


关于你的int reviewGuess(int, int)功能,你在找这样的东西:

int reviewGuess(int randomNumber,int userChoice)
    if(randomNumber == userChoice)
       return 0;
    if(userChoice > 50)
       return 1;
    if(userChoice < 1)
       return -1;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


  • 您在PlayGame和Again功能结束时错过了结尾'}'
  • 在后者中,返回是可选的,应该有';'最后
  • 你正在将'决定'与单元化变量y,Y,n和N进行比较......我猜你想把它的值与字母'y','Y','n','N'进行比较
  • 'else if(decision!= y,Y || n,N)'不是一个有效的语法,而你已经只有'else'了
  • 你有额外的';'在'void Again()'
  • 结束时
  • 你试图用'void PlayGame();'来调用函数
  • 程序所采用的路径不干净而你正在进行不必要的递归,最好还是返回一个值


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

void PlayGame()
    const int HighestNum = 50;
    const int LowestNum = 1;
    int RandomNumber = LowestNum + rand() % HighestNum;

    cout << "Guess the random number between " << LowestNum << " and " << HighestNum << "!\n\n";

    int attempts = 15;
    while (attempts > 0)
        int guess;
        cout << "You have " << attempts << " attempt" << (attempts > 1 ? "s" : "") << " remaining\n";

        cout << "Enter a number: ";
        cin >> guess;
        cout << endl;

        if (guess < LowestNum || guess > HighestNum)
            cout << "Guess must be higher than " << LowestNum << " and be lower than " << HighestNum << ". Try again!\n"  << endl;

        if (guess == RandomNumber)
            cout << "Congratulations, you won!\n\n"  << endl;
        else if (guess < RandomNumber)
            cout << "That guess is too low!\n" << endl;
        else if (guess > RandomNumber)
            cout << "That guess is too high!\n" << endl;


    cout << "Sorry, no guesses remain. The random number was... " << RandomNumber << "!\n\n";

bool Menu()
    cout << "Guess Number Game\n\n";

    cout << "Menu\n\n";

    cout << "1) Play Game\n";
    cout << "2) Exit\n\n";

    cout << "Enter your selection: ";
    int selection = 0;

    while (true)
        cin >> selection;
        cout << endl;

        if (selection == 1)
            return true;
        else if (selection == 2)
            return false;
            cout << "Try again, choose 1 or 2: ";

bool Again()
    cout << "1) Play Again\n";
    cout << "2) Exit\n\n";

    cout << "Enter your selection: ";
    int selection = 0;

    while (true)
        cin >> selection;
        cout << endl;

        if (selection == 1)
            return true;
        else if (selection == 2)
            return false;
            cout << "Try again, choose 1 or 2: ";

int main()

    bool play = Menu();
    if (play)
    while (true)

        if (!Again())

    return 0;