
时间:2015-10-12 18:44:51

标签: vba ms-access

我有一个登录屏幕,通过Dlookup比较数据以验证用户身份。我想在正确登录时创建一个全局变量,数据库上的任何表单都可以调用,然后根据该值打开表单。所以目前我已经完成了所有设置。  登录表格:

Option Compare Database
Public gstrUsr As String


Public Sub Command4_Click()
'Sets the login time to now and then authenticates user credentials
 Dim usr As String
    Me.Time = Now
Dim lvl As String
Dim lck As Integer
Dim sql As String
Dim msgapp As Integer
Dim chkusr As Variant
    chkusr = Nz(DLookup("[Username]", "Login", "[Username]='" & Me.Username.Value & "'"), "")
    msgapp = 0
    usr = Nz(DLookup("[Password]", "Login", "[Username]='" & Me.Username.Value & "'"), "")
    lvl = Nz(DLookup("[Level]", "Login", "[Username]='" & Me.Username.Value & "'"), "")
    sql = "INSERT INTO Log ( [User], [Time] )SELECT [Forms]![Login]![Username] AS Expr1, [Forms]![Login]![Time] AS Expr2;"
''" & [Forms]![ItemList1]![SRCB] & "'"
'Runs above sql which adds a time record for the selected username also removes the "You are about to update X rows", will use this in the future on the accounting functions
        If chkusr = "" Then msgapp = 1
        If chkusr = "" Then MsgBox ("Invalid Credentials")
            DoCmd.SetWarnings False
            DoCmd.RunSQL (sql)
            DoCmd.SetWarnings True
'If password is = to the value that is returned in the "usr" variable declared at the top via Dlookup it will open a form based on what that users "level" is otherwise displays and invalid credentials message box
            Do While msgapp = 0
                If usr = Me.Password.Value Then
                    lck = 1
                    msgapp = 3
                    MsgBox ("Invalid Credentials")
                    msgapp = 3
                End If

Do While lck = 1
    If lvl = "2" Then
        DoCmd.OpenForm "MainB"
        gstrUsr = DLookup("[Username]", "Login", "[Username]='" & Me.Username & "'")

        lck = 0

        DoCmd.OpenForm "Main"
        lck = 0
    End If

End Sub


Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Text75 = gstrUsr
End Sub


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