返回<case class =“”>。使用Case Class输入

时间:2015-10-19 00:36:26

标签: scala


mylist %>% zip_n(.simplify = TRUE)

# list_1 list_21 list_22 list_31 list_32 list_33 list_34 list_41 
#      2       5       6      10       5       8       1       2 
#list_42 list_43 
#      5      58 
# list_1 list_21 list_22 list_31 list_32 list_33 list_34 list_41 
#      3       2       3       9       6       2       9      69 
#list_42 list_43 
#      6      23 

我可以定义一个返回scala> case class Foo(x: Int, y: String) defined class Foo 的方法。

Either[Foo.type, ...]

当我尝试解构scala> def f: Either[Foo.type, Int] = Left(Foo) f: Either[Foo.type,Int] 时,我看到了一个编译时错误:



scala> f match { case Left(Foo(a, b)) => a }
<console>:14: error: constructor cannot be instantiated to expected type;
 found   : Foo
 required: Foo.type
       f match { case Left(Foo(a, b)) => a }

给定scala> f match { case Left(foo) => foo } <console>:14: warning: match may not be exhaustive. It would fail on the following input: Right(_) f match { case Left(foo) => foo } res1: Foo.type = Foo ,何时使用case class类型?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


def f: Either[Foo.type, Int] = Left(Foo)


def f: Either[Foo, Int] = Left(Foo(1,"foo"))