
时间:2015-10-20 14:26:47

标签: node.js ibm-cloud buildpack package.json


2015-10-20T10:15:53.17-0400 [API/0]      OUT Updated app with guid 1928479c-5e79-47bc-a8e0-1bc7d7fb34b1 ({"name"=>"braincar", "buildpack"=>""})
2015-10-20T10:17:46.30-0400 [API/0]      OUT Updated app with guid 1928479c-5e79-47bc-a8e0-1bc7d7fb34b1 ({"state"=>"STOPPED"})
2015-10-20T10:17:5 [DEA/101]             OUT Got staging request for app with id 1928479c-5e79-47bc-a8e0-1bc7g43q
2015-10-20T10:17:59.47-0400 [API/2]      OUT Updated app with guid 1928479c-5e79-47bc-a8e0-1bc7d7fb34b1 ({"state"=>"STARTED"})
2015-10-20T10:17:59.61-0400 [STG/101]    OUT -----> Downloaded app package (32K)
2015-10-20T10:17:59.72-0400 [STG/0]      ERR Cloning into '/tmp/buildpacks/nodejs-buildpack'...
2015-10-20T10:18:01.23-0400 [STG/0]      OUT Submodule 'compile-extensions' ( registered for path 'compile-extensions'
2015-10-20T10:18:01.28-0400 [STG/0]      ERR Cloning into 'compile-extensions'...
2015-10-20T10:18:02.39-0400 [STG/0]      OUT Submodule path 'compile-extensions': checked out 'ce9345a9a6e7b00266194cadd18fdwqfe4q'
2015-10-20T10:18:02.48-0400 [STG/0]      OUT -------> Buildpack version 1.5.0
2015-10-20T10:18:02.50-0400 [STG/0]      ERR cat: /tmp/staged/app/package.json: No such file or directory
2015-10-20T10:18:02.51-0400 [STG/0]      ERR  !     Unable to parse package.json
2015-10-20T10:18:02.51-0400 [STG/0]      OUT -----> Build failed
2015-10-20T10:18:02.51-0400 [STG/0]      OUT        We're sorry this build is failing! You can troubleshoot common issues here:
2015-10-20T10:18:02.51-0400 [STG/0]      OUT
2015-10-20T10:18:02.52-0400 [STG/0]      OUT        If you're stuck, please submit a ticket so we can help:
2015-10-20T10:18:02.52-0400 [STG/0]      OUT
2015-10-20T10:18:02.52-0400 [STG/0]      OUT        Love,
2015-10-20T10:18:02.52-0400 [STG/0]      OUT        Heroku
2015-10-20T10:18:02.52-0400 [STG/0]      OUT Staging failed: Buildpack compilation step failed
2015-10-20T10:18:02.86-0400 [API/2]      ERR encountered error: App staging failed in the buildpack compile phase


 cf push braincar -b


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

从日志中,应用程序缺少 package.json 文件。

ERR cat: /tmp/staged/app/package.json: No such file or directory
2015-10-20T10:18:02.51-0400 [STG/0]      ERR  !     Unable to parse package.json

这是配置和运行应用程序所必需的。你能确保在项目目录中运行 npm init 吗?

答案 1 :(得分:0)


从命令行运行cf push成功,这表明问题出在管道上,而不是项目。
