Cassandra节点DN - 简单2节点群集配置失败

时间:2015-10-20 17:44:42

标签: cassandra

我创建了一个2节点数据中心群集。由于一些令人困惑和过时的文档,这需要相当多的工作。我现在的问题是,当我使用nodetool status命令时,远程机器的状态为DNDown Normal。根据我的理解,州应该是UNUp Normal


WARN  17:31:51 CassandraRoleManager skipped default role setup: some nodes were not ready
INFO  17:31:51 Setup task failed with error, rescheduling
WARN  17:32:01 CassandraRoleManager skipped default role setup: some nodes were not ready
INFO  17:32:01 Setup task failed with error, rescheduling
WARN  17:32:11 CassandraRoleManager skipped default role setup: some nodes were not ready
INFO  17:32:11 Setup task failed with error, rescheduling
WARN  17:32:21 CassandraRoleManager skipped default role setup: some nodes were not ready
INFO  17:32:21 Setup task failed with error, rescheduling
WARN  17:32:31 CassandraRoleManager skipped default role setup: some nodes were not ready
INFO  17:32:31 Setup task failed with error, rescheduling
WARN  17:32:41 CassandraRoleManager skipped default role setup: some nodes were not ready
INFO  17:32:41 Setup task failed with error, rescheduling
WARN  17:32:51 CassandraRoleManager skipped default role setup: some nodes were not ready
INFO  17:32:51 Setup task failed with error, rescheduling
WARN  17:33:01 CassandraRoleManager skipped default role setup: some nodes were not ready
INFO  17:33:01 Setup task failed with error, rescheduling
WARN  17:33:11 CassandraRoleManager skipped default role setup: some nodes were not ready
INFO  17:33:11 Setup task failed with error, rescheduling
WARN  17:33:21 CassandraRoleManager skipped default role setup: some nodes were not ready
INFO  17:33:21 Setup task failed with error, rescheduling
WARN  17:33:31 CassandraRoleManager skipped default role setup: some nodes were not ready
INFO  17:33:31 Setup task failed with error, rescheduling
WARN  17:33:41 CassandraRoleManager skipped default role setup: some nodes were not ready
INFO  17:33:41 Setup task failed with error, rescheduling
WARN  17:33:51 CassandraRoleManager skipped default role setup: some nodes were not ready
INFO  17:33:51 Setup task failed with error, rescheduling
WARN  17:34:01 CassandraRoleManager skipped default role setup: some nodes were not ready
INFO  17:34:01 Setup task failed with error, rescheduling


另外,如果不清楚的话。如果我从机器运行nodetool status程序。我运行它的机器是Up Normal,但远程机器总是Down Normal。但两台机器都显示其状态为Up Normal。我运行命令的机器将其地址列为环回地址,将远程地址列为10.x.x.x类型的内部企业LAN地址。远程机器始终显示DN。


nodetool in action - localhost UN - remote - DN




4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

对我来说,使用“ nodetool” removenode移除有问题的节点即可解决问题。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


  1. 您需要Python来启动您的服务器。 (如果在命令行中运行cqlsh,它会告诉您缺少Python)。

    • 安装Python
    • 设置env变量(To PATH add; .. python / bin; .. cassandra / bin)
    • 打开cmd,运行以下命令: cassandra

    • 在新cmd中运行以下命令:


    connect localhost /9160;

    • 连接后,您可以创建密钥空间。 启动新的命令提示符并运行: cqlsh
  2. 只需安装社区版: 安装所需的版本。对于旧版本,请转到页面中的“存档版本”链接。

    默认情况下让安装为您启动服务。安装后,您可以运行以下命令: cqlsh

  3. 在这种情况下,无需显式运行Cassandra。

答案 2 :(得分:1)


我在尝试设置2节点版本3.9群集时遇到了此问题。我的每台主机都有两个接口,每个主机连接到千兆交换机(连接到其他服务器),主机还通过10Gig SFP +电缆直接相互连接。其他服务器可以通过千兆交换机查询集群,但集群本身可以通过10-gig进行通信。


listen_address: (private 10-gig IP)
#broadcast_address: keep this line commented out
broadcast_rpc_address: (gigabit switch IP)

运行 nodetool status 应该显示私有IP并显示它们都已启动。通过Java驱动程序(3.1.3)连接到其中一个主机并调用 getAllHosts 将显示两个主机在其千兆交换机IP上可用。

答案 3 :(得分:0)




