
时间:2015-10-21 14:02:48

标签: c# html .net nodes html-agility-pack



每个tr应该是包含td作为属性的对象。 I. e。

<td width=0%>Artist:</td><td width=23% class='colour'><a href='/p/beatmaplist?q=Akiakane'>Akiakane</a></td>
<td width=0%>Circle Size:</td><td width=23% class='colour'><div class='starfield' style='width:140px'><div class='active' style='width:56px'></div></div></td>
<td width=0%>Approach Rate:</td><td class="colour"><div class='starfield' style='width:140px'><div class='active' style='width:126px'></div></div></td>
<td width=0%>Title:</td><td class="colour"><a href='/p/beatmaplist?q=FlashBack'>FlashBack</a></td>
<td width=0%>HP Drain:</td><td class="colour"><div class='starfield' style='width:140px'><div class='active' style='width:84px'></div></div></td>
<td width=0%><strong>Star Difficulty</strong>:</td><td width=23% class='colour'><div class='starfield' style='width:140px'><div class='active' style='width:72.9650211334px'></div></div> (5.21)</td>
<td width=0%>Creator:</td><td class="colour"><a href='/u/231111'>Kiiwa<a/></td>
<td width=0%>Accuracy:</td><td class="colour"><div class='starfield' style='width:140px'><div class='active' style='width:98px'></div></div></td>
<td width=0%>Length:</td><td class="colour">3:13 (2:49 drain)</td>
<td width=0%>Source:</td><td class="colour"><a href='/p/beatmaplist?q='></a></td>
<td width=0%>Genre:</td><td class="colour"><a href='/p/beatmaplist?g=4'>Rock</a> (<a href='/p/beatmaplist?la=3'>Japanese</a>)</td>
<td width=0%>BPM:</td><td class="colour">185</td>
<td width=0%>Tags:</td><td class="colour"><a href="/p/beatmaplist?q=j-pop">j-pop</a> <a href="/p/beatmaplist?q=beren">beren</a> <a href="/p/beatmaplist?q=collaboration">collaboration</a> <a href="/p/beatmaplist?q=collab">collab</a> <a href="/p/beatmaplist?q=boroboro">boroboro</a> <a href="/p/beatmaplist?q=na">na</a> <a href="/p/beatmaplist?q=ikizama">ikizama</a> <a href="/p/beatmaplist?q=niki">niki</a> <a href="/p/beatmaplist?q=niconicodouga">niconicodouga</a> <a href="/p/beatmaplist?q=toysfactory">toysfactory</a> </td>
<td width=0%>User Rating:</td><td class="colour">
<table width="100%" height="20px" style="color:#fff;">
<td style="background-color:#BC2036;text-align:right;border:solid 1px #82000B;" width="3.37522441652">93</td>
<td style="background-color:#78AB23;text-align:left;border:solid 1px #718F0A;" width="96.6965888689">2,692</td>


public class SongInfo
            public string CS { get; set; }
            public string AR { get; set; }
            public string HP { get; set; }
            public string STAR { get; set; }
            public string LENGTH { get; set; }
            public string BPM { get; set; }

当我说(starfield style%除以活动样式%)时, 我指的是这段代码:

CS should be "Circle Size: (starfield style % divided by active  style %)" 
AR should be "Approach Rate: (starfield style % divided by active style %)" 
HP should be "HP Drain: (starfield style % divided by active style %)" 
STAR should be "Star Difficulty: (starfield style % divided by active style %)" 
LENGTH should be "Length: 3:13"
BPM should be "BPM: 185"

所以在这种情况下,自140/56 = 2.5



<div class='starfield' style='width:140px'><div class='active'style='width:56px'></div>



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


很多html代码都很相似。我为你制作了完整的解决方案。请仔细阅读。另请阅读Html Agility Pack documentationxpath。 你的第一个初始Xpath是错误的。它应该是:“// td [@ width ='0%']”。 您可以使用“// td”(但下面的示例使用// td [@ width ='0%']“),然后您必须使用另一种方法找到相关的。在下面的解决方案中,我使用了每个的innertext

public class SongInfo
    public string CS { get; set; }
    public string AR { get; set; }
    public string HP { get; set; }
    public string STAR { get; set; }
    public string LENGTH { get; set; }
    public string BPM { get; set; }

class MainClass
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        SongInfo song = new SongInfo();

        HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();

        HtmlNodeCollection nodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//td[@width='0%']");

        foreach (HtmlNode n in nodes)
            if (n.InnerText.ToLower().Contains("circle size:"))
                song.CS = n.InnerText+ " " + Convert.ToString(AlmostAnything(n.NextSibling));
            if (n.InnerText.ToLower().Contains("approach rate:"))
                song.AR = n.InnerText + " " + Convert.ToString(AlmostAnything(n.NextSibling));
            if (n.InnerText.ToLower().Contains("hp drain:"))
                song.HP = n.InnerText + " " + Convert.ToString(AlmostAnything(n.NextSibling));
            if (n.InnerText.ToLower().Contains("star difficulty:"))
                song.STAR = n.InnerText + " " + Convert.ToString(AlmostAnything(n.NextSibling));
            if (n.InnerText.ToLower().Contains("length:"))
                song.LENGTH = NextSiblingText(n);
            if (n.InnerText.ToLower().Contains("bpm:"))
                song.BPM = NextSiblingText(n);


    private static string NextSiblingText(HtmlNode n)
        return n.NextSibling.InnerText;

    private static int AlmostAnything(HtmlNode n)
        string starfield="" , activefield = "";
        HtmlDocument temp = new HtmlDocument();

        foreach (HtmlNode hN in temp.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div"))
            if (hN.GetAttributeValue("class", "not found") == "starfield")
                starfield = hN.GetAttributeValue("style", "style not found");
            if (hN.GetAttributeValue("class", "not found") == "active")
                activefield = hN.GetAttributeValue("style", "style not found");

        double result = ConvertStringToNum(starfield) / ConvertStringToNum(activefield);
        return Convert.ToInt32(result);

    private static double ConvertStringToNum(string s)
        string temp="";
        for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
            if (Char.IsNumber(s[i]))
                temp += s[i];
                for (i = i + 1; i < s.Length; i++)
                    if (Char.IsNumber(s[i]))
                        temp += s[i];
                        return Convert.ToDouble(temp);
        return -1;

    private static void PrintSong(SongInfo s)
