弹性beanstalk / Django Cache间歇性地显示错误的值

时间:2015-10-21 21:32:27

标签: django amazon-web-services elastic-beanstalk

我有一个部署到Elastic Beanstalk的站点 - 我已经将一些数据写入Django内存缓存,并且在检索它时我得到两个不同的值。

在我看来,有多个实例,但看着我的控制面板,似乎只有一个Web实例正在运行。 我在日志消息中输出值,我看到有多个PID。

[Wed Oct 21 14:21:34.922493 2015] [:error] [pid 14335] WARNING:root:Cached: After tomorrow, Back to the Future will take place entirely in the past.
[Wed Oct 21 14:21:35.133714 2015] [:error] [pid 14337] WARNING:root:Cached: Bacon and eggs is a day's work for a chicken and a lifetime achievement for a pig.
[Wed Oct 21 14:21:35.319643 2015] [:error] [pid 14337] WARNING:root:Cached: Bacon and eggs is a day's work for a chicken and a lifetime achievement for a pig.
[Wed Oct 21 14:21:35.521985 2015] [:error] [pid 14335] WARNING:root:Cached: After tomorrow, Back to the Future will take place entirely in the past.
[Wed Oct 21 14:21:35.690560 2015] [:error] [pid 14336] WARNING:root:Cached: Bacon and eggs is a day's work for a chicken and a lifetime achievement for a pig.

似乎在两个值/ pids之间随机切换。

我确定只有一个Web节点在运行 - 是否有某种方式在单个节点上运行多个应用程序实例?

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