
时间:2015-10-27 00:20:21

标签: rust apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api


extern crate kafka;
use kafka::client::KafkaClient;
use kafka::consumer::Consumer;
use kafka::utils;
fn main(){
    let mut client = KafkaClient::new(vec!("localhost:9092".to_owned()));
    let res = client.load_metadata_all();
    let topics = client.topic_partitions.keys().cloned().collect(); 
    let offsets = client.fetch_offsets(topics, -1);
    for topic in &topics {
    let mut con = Consumer::new(client, "test-consumer-group".to_owned(), "topic".to_owned()).partition(0);
    let mut messagedata = 0;
    for msg in con {
        println!("{}", str::from_utf8(&msg.message).unwrap().to_string());


    src/main.rs:201:19: 201:25 error: use of moved value: `topics` [E0382]
src/main.rs:201     for topic in &topics {
    note: in expansion of for loop expansion
    src/main.rs:201:5: 210:6 note: expansion site
    src/main.rs:167:40: 167:46 note: `topics` moved here because it has type `collections::vec::Vec<collections::string::String>`, which is non-copyable
    src/main.rs:167     let offsets = client.fetch_offsets(topics, -1);
    src/main.rs:203:37: 203:43 error: use of moved value: `client` [E0382]
    src/main.rs:203     let mut con = Consumer::new(client, "test-consumer-group".to_owned(), "topicname".to_owned()).partition(0);
    note: in expansion of for loop expansion
    src/main.rs:201:5: 210:6 note: expansion site
    note: `client` was previously moved here because it has type     `kafka::client::KafkaClient`, which is non-copyable
    error: aborting due to 2 previous errors


let mut con = Consumer::new(client, "test-consumer-group".to_owned(), "testtopic".to_owned()).partition(0);

for msg in con {
    println!("{}", str::from_utf8(&msg.message).unwrap().to_string());


let msgs = client.fetch_messages_multi(vec!(utils::TopicPartitionOffset{
                                            topic: "topic1".to_string(),
                                            partition: 0,
                                            offset: 0 //from the begining
                                            topic: "topic2".to_string(),
                                            partition: 0,
                                            offset: 0
                                            topic: "topic3".to_string(),
                                            partition: 0,
                                            offset: 0
for msg in msgs{
    println!("{}", msg);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


let msgs = client.fetch_messages_multi(...).unwrap();
for msg in msgs{
     println!("{}", msg.message);