
时间:2015-10-27 18:56:54

标签: python


def character_class(intel, str, agil):
    print "A barbarian's main attribute starts at: %d." % str
    print "A wizard's main attribute is intel, and it starts at: %d." % intel
    print "An archer's main attribute is agility, and has the default agility speed of: %d.\n" % agil

character_class(20, 40, 60)
print character_class

character_class(20 + 40, 40 + 50, 100 + 100)
print character_class

input1 = raw_input("Barbarian str:")
input2 = raw_input("Wizard intel:")
input3 = raw_input("Archer agil:")
character_class % (input1, input2, input3)
print character_class


A barbarian's main attribute starts at: 40.
A wizard's main attribute is intel, and it starts at: 20.
An archer's main attribute is agility, and has the default agility speed of: 60.

<function character_class at 0x025078B0>
A barbarian's main attribute starts at: 90.
A wizard's main attribute is intel, and it starts at: 60.
An archer's main attribute is agility, and has the default agility speed of: 200.

<function character_class at 0x025078B0>
Barbarian str:200
Wizard intel:300
Archer agil:400
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test19.py", line 16, in <module>
    character_class % (input1, input2, input3)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'function' and 'tuple'

首先,每次调用函数<function character_class at 0x025078B0>后出现的character_class是什么?这在LPTHW练习19期间没有出现。


修订版:将最后一行代码更改为:character_class(input1, input2, input3)


A barbarian's main attribute starts at: 40.
    A wizard's main attribute is intel, and it starts at: 20.
    An archer's main attribute is agility, and has the default agility speed of: 60.

    A barbarian's main attribute starts at: 90.
    A wizard's main attribute is intel, and it starts at: 60.
    An archer's main attribute is agility, and has the default agility speed of: 200.

    Barbarian str:1000
    Wizard intel:2000
    Archer agil:3000
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "test19.py", line 16, in <module>
        character_class(input1, input2, input3)
      File "test19.py", line 2, in character_class
        print "A barbarian's main attribute starts at: %d." % str
    TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not str


def character_class(intel, str, agil):
    print "A barbarian's main attribute starts at: %d." % str
    print "A wizard's main attribute is intel, and it starts at: %d." % intel
    print "An archer's main attribute is agility, and has the default agility speed of: %d.\n" % agil

character_class(20, 40, 60)

character_class(20 + 40, 40 + 50, 100 + 100)

input1 = raw_input("Barbarian str:")
input2 = raw_input("Wizard intel:")
input3 = raw_input("Archer agil:")
inputa = int(input1)
inputb = int(input2)
inputc = int(input3)

character_class(inputa, inputb, inputc)

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您成功调用了执行打印的功能,然后每当您执行print character_class时,每次还要告诉Python打印功能本身。不要那样做。


character_class(input1, input2, input3)

答案 1 :(得分:0)


A barbarian's main attribute starts at: 40.
A wizard's main attribute is intel, and it starts at: 20.
An archer's main attribute is agility, and has the default agility speed of: 60.

<function character_class at 0x025078B0>.


character_class(20, 40, 60)
print character_class

您已定义上面的character_class函数以获取三个参数并分别调用打印函数三次。当您致电character_class(20, 40, 60)时,您将传递20,40和60作为参数。然后,您的函数将在最后一次调用中使用换行符调用print三次,从而显示输出的前四行。

当您调用print character_class时,您将函数定义作为参数传递给print函数。输出<function character_class at 0x025078B0>是已定义函数的引用位置。重点是,您不需要在print来电之前致电character_class,因为您已经定义了您的功能来调用打印三次。当python执行character_class(20,40,60)时,它将进入函数并执行您定义的每行代码,并使用字符串替换插入您传递的参数。不需要额外的print character_class,因为您的功能代码会为您执行print

最后,您正确获取原始输入。 raw_input函数将从控制台获取您的输入并返回已分配给变量的结果。你的电话(character_class % (input1, input2, input3))几乎是正确的,但是我想你正在混淆用字符串变量替换来调用一个函数。

您只需要通过传递从输入中获得的三个参数来调用您的函数:character_class(input1, input2, input3),您的函数将为您执行打印,因为您已将其定义为上面的操作!

答案 2 :(得分:-1)


    {Option: 'Yes', Total: 10},
    {Option: 'No', Total: 8}

