
时间:2015-10-28 06:16:09

标签: java

我是一名新手java学生,我需要根据他们制作的单位来计算员工奖金。每当我运行程序时,由于输入而导致扫描仪错误。 “java.util.InputMismatchException”。任何帮助是极大的赞赏!

          * NAME: Mitchell Noble
          * DATE: October 27, 2015
          * FILE: lab9
          * COMMENTS: This java program is designed to caculate employee bonus's based on their units produced
           import java.util.Scanner;

        public class lab9
           public static void main(String[]args)
             // declare variables
             double Lastname;
             double Currentunits;
             double Lastunits;
             double Firstname;

             //Create a Scanner Object
              Scanner keyboard= new Scanner(;

             //Get names and units
             System.out.print("Hello we are going to learn about your production this year and award bonus's but first we need some information.");
             System.out.print("What is your last name?");
             Lastname = keyboard.nextDouble();
             System.out.print("What is your first name?");
             Firstname = keyboard.nextDouble();
             System.out.print("How many units did you produce this year?");
             Currentunits = keyboard.nextDouble();
             System.out.print("How many units did you produce last year?");
             Lastunits = keyboard.nextDouble();
             //Sort into proper bonus category
            if (Currentunits > Lastunits)
                 if (Currentunits >= 1000)
                    if (Currentunits >= 3001)
                       if (Currentunits >= 6001)
                         System.out.print(Firstname + Lastname + "Based on your units prodcued this year your bonus will be $200.  Good work!");
                         System.out.print(Firstname + Lastname + "Based on your units prodcued this year your bonus will be $100.  Good work!");
                       System.out.print(Firstname + Lastname + "Based on your units prodcued this year your bonus will be $50.  Good work!");
                    System.out.print(Firstname + Lastname + "Based on your units produced this year your bonus will be $25. Good work!");
                System.out.print(Firstname + Lastname + "Based on the units produced this year compared to last year you do not qualify for any bonu's.");
           } // close main
        } // close lab7

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


         double Lastname;


String Lastname;


         Lastname = keyboard.nextDouble();


         Lastname = keyboard.nextLine();


答案 1 :(得分:0)


 String Lastname;
     double Currentunits;
     double Lastunits;
     String Firstname;

     //Create a Scanner Object
      Scanner keyboard= new Scanner(;

     //Get names and units
     System.out.print("Hello we are going to learn about your production this year and award bonus's but first we need some information.");
     System.out.print("What is your last name?");
     Lastname = keyboard.nextLine();
     System.out.print("What is your first name?");
     Firstname = keyboard.nextLine();
     System.out.print("How many units did you produce this year?");
     Currentunits = keyboard.nextDouble();
     System.out.print("How many units did you produce last year?");
     Lastunits = keyboard.nextDouble();
     //Sort into proper bonus category
    if (Currentunits > Lastunits)
         if (Currentunits >= 1000)
            if (Currentunits >= 3001)
               if (Currentunits >= 6001)
                 System.out.print(Firstname + Lastname + "Based on your units prodcued this year your bonus will be $200.  Good work!");
                 System.out.print(Firstname + Lastname + "Based on your units prodcued this year your bonus will be $100.  Good work!");
               System.out.print(Firstname + Lastname + "Based on your units prodcued this year your bonus will be $50.  Good work!");
            System.out.print(Firstname + Lastname + "Based on your units produced this year your bonus will be $25. Good work!");
        System.out.print(Firstname + Lastname + "Based on the units produced this year compared to last year you do not qualify for any bonu's.");

答案 2 :(得分:0)

根据定义,双精度数据类型是双精度64位IEEE 754浮点。其值的范围是4.94065645841246544e-324d至1.79769313486231570e + 308d。它不代表两个名字!因此,您真的想将firstNamelastName设置为String
