How do you use namespacing with php packages and phpunit?

时间:2015-10-30 23:37:38

标签: php namespaces phpunit package

EDITED to add code for MainClass as requested in comments. I'm trying to learn how to make php packages and how to use phpunit at the same time, I may be using all the wrong terminology here and doing everything wrong.. Everything works as expected when I import the package with composer. I decided to add some unit tests as I finally started to see how they could be useful to me however I am having trouble and I suspect it has something to do with namespaces but I'm not sure. I have put the tests in their own directory and used use statements at the top of the test classes for importing the main src classes. So, for example, in a test class I have the following: use myname\Package\MainClass; use myname\Package\Resources\Resource; use myname\Package\Resources\ExtendedResource; class ResourceTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testArtistIsResource() { $resource = '\\myname\\Package\\Resources\\Resource'; $main = new MainClass('Artist'); $artist = $main->find(1383508); $this->assertTrue($artist instanceof $resource); } } This test passes. I am running the same code outside of the test directory and displaying values in the browser to see what happens. I am running the package in laravel and just running the comparison code on the homepage. For example the output of the following code is printed directly in the browser $main = new MainClass('Artist'); $artist = $main->find(1383508); echo get_class($main); echo get_class($artist); This shows that $main is a myname\Package\MainClass and $artist is a myname\Package\Resources\ExtendedResource. If I change the second echo statement above to this: echo get_class($artist->get()); Then the result is that stdClass is echoed to the screen, which is correct. However in the test class $artist->get() returns an instance of ResourceTest and I don't understand why it is not another stdClass. What am I missing? My directory structure is as follows: myname |- Package |- composer.json |- src |- MainClass.php |- Resources |- Resource.php |- ExtendsResource.php |- tests |- Resources |- ResourceTest.php Below is the content of the autoload part of composer.json "autoload": { "psr-4": { "myname\\Package\\": "src/" } } I tried adding another namespace in there - "myname\Package\tests\": "tests/" - but that didn't seem to help. The namespace for MainClass.php is myname\Package. The namespace for Resources.php and ExtendsResources.php is myname\Package\Resources. Here is the code for MainClass.php <?php namespace myname\Package; class MainClass { private $resource; public function __construct($resource = null) { Container::setup(); if ($resource) { $this->resource = Container::get($resource); } return $this->resource; } public function find($id) { if (isset ($this->resource)) { $this->resource->find($id); return $this->resource; } else { throw new \Exception('Resource is not set'); } } public function setResource($resource) { $this->resource = Container::get($resource); return $this->resource; } } Below is the code for myname\Package\Resources\Reource <?php namespace myname\Package\Resources; use myname\Package\Contracts\ConfigInterface; use myname\Package\Contracts\GrabberInterface; use myname\Package\Contracts\ResourceInterface; use myname\Package\Http\Grabber; use myname\Package\Http\Poster; abstract class Resource { protected $config = null; protected $url = null; protected $resource = null; protected $response = null; protected $grabber = null; protected $perPage = null; protected $page = null; protected $params = null; protected $token = null; protected $identifier = null; protected $update = array(); protected $appendTokenTo = array( 'myname\Package\Resources\Artist', 'myname\Package\Resources\Listing', 'myname\Package\Resources\Release', 'myname\Package\Resources\Search' ); public function __construct($config, $grabber) { if ($config instanceof ConfigInterface) { $this->config = $config; } else { throw new \Exception('The supplied $config is not an instance of ConfigInterface'); } if ($grabber instanceof GrabberInterface) { $this->grabber = $grabber; } else { throw new \Exception('The supplied $grabber is not an instance of GrabberInterface'); } $this->url .= $this->config->getApiUrl() . $this->resource; $this->token = $this->config->getApiToken(); return $this; } public function addParam($param, $value) { $value= $this->formatParamValue($value); $this->params .= "&". "$param=$value"; return $this; } protected function addToken(){ $this->addParam('token', $this->token); //$this->params .= "&". "token=$this->token"; return $this; } public function addUpdate($update, $value) { $this->update[$update] = $value; return $this; } protected function checkIfTokenIsRequired() { if (in_array(get_class($this), $this->appendTokenTo)) { $this->addToken(); } } public function find($identifier) { if (empty ($this->identifier)) { $this->identifier = $identifier; $this->url .= "/$identifier"; } return $this; } protected function formatParamValue($value) { $value = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE', $value); $value = str_replace(' ', '+', $value); return $value; } public function get() { return json_decode($this->getResponse()); } protected function getResponse() { if (!isset($this->response)) { $this->checkIfTokenIsRequired(); $this->_prepare(); } return $this->response; } public function json() { return $this->getResponse(); } public function page($pageNumber) { $this->page = $pageNumber; return $this; } public function perPage($resultsPerPage) { $this->perPage = $resultsPerPage; return $this; } protected function _prepare() { $params = 0; if (isset($this->page) OR isset($this->perPage) OR isset($this->params)){ $this->url .= '?'; } if (isset($this->params)) { $this->url .= "$this->params"; $params++; } if (isset($this->perPage)) { if ($params > 0) { $this->url .= '&'; } $this->url .= "per_page=$this->perPage"; $params++; } if (isset($this->page)) { if ($params > 0) { $this->url .= '&'; } $this->url .= "page=$this->page"; $params++; } $this->grabber->setUrl($this->url); $this->response = $this->grabber->grab(); } public function setGrabber($grabber) { if ($grabber instanceof GrabberInterface) { $this->grabber = $grabber; } else { throw new \Exception($grabber . " is not an instance of GrabberInterface"); } } public function setUrl($url) { $this->url = $url; } public function update() { //$this->update['token'] = $this->token; $this->grabber->setMethod('POST'); $this->grabber->setUpdates(json_encode($this->update)); $this->_prepare(); return $this; } } Below is the code for the ExtendedResource <?php namespace myname\Package\Resources; class ExtendedResource extends Resource { protected $resource = 'artists'; /** * Returns the releases associated with an artist * * @return $this */ public function releases() { $this->url .= '/releases'; return $this; } }

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