
时间:2015-11-02 15:50:28

标签: algorithm bit-manipulation

让我们说x = 1110(12月14日)我想找到右边的第二个设置位0100(12月4个)

又一个例子,假设x = 10110010(十二月份为178),我想要右边的第三个设定位,即00100000(十二月三十二日)


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


答案 1 :(得分:1)

假设一个名为 number 的二进制补码有符号32位整数是输入(因此只计算for循环中的位0到30):

int number = (1 << 3) | 1; // this is the input, it can be whatever you like
int currentLsbCount = 0;
int desiredLsbCount = 2; // this is your n
int foundLsb = 0;
int foundLsbIndex = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++)
    int bit = (number >> i) & 1;

    if (bit == 1)

    if (currentLsbCount == desiredLsbCount)
        foundLsb = number & (1 << i);

        foundLsbIndex = i;


foundLsb 将保持该值,如果输入为零,则为零; foundLsbIndex 将保存该位的索引。


if ((number & ((1 << x) - 1)) == number)
    // the bottom x bits are zero...


答案 2 :(得分:1)


Private Function ReturnBit(input As Long, num As Long) As Long
    Dim iResult As Long = 0    'Counts set bits.
    Dim work As Long = input   'Working copy of input.

    'Looping from the LSB to the MSB of a byte. Adjust for desired 
    'length, 15 for 2 bytes, 31 for 4 bytes, etc.
    For i As Integer = 0 To 7
        'If the working variable is 0, the input does not contain as
        'many set bits as required. Return -1 if you wish.
        If work = 0 Then Return 0

        'Add the now LSB if 1, 0 otherwise. 
        iResult += (work And 1)

        'iResult contains the number of set bits now. If this is
        'the requested number, return this number. If you're just after
        'the position, just return i instead. Instead of 2^i it could be
        'more efficient to use 1<<i, but I'd rely on the compiler for
        If iResult = num Then Return CLng(2 ^ i)

        'Remove the LSB from the working copy.
        work >>= 1
    Return 0    'Not enough set bits in input.
End Function