
时间:2015-11-08 17:58:17

标签: vhdl keypad

 entity hex_kp is
    Port ( row : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
           coloumn : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
           sevenseg : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           ca : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0));
end hex_kp;

architecture Behavioral of hex_kp is


 ca <="0111";

 if(row = "0111") then

     if(coloumn = "0111") then sevenseg <= "00000110" ;
    elsif (coloumn = "1011") then sevenseg <= "01011011" ;
     elsif (coloumn = "1101") then sevenseg <= "01001111" ;
     elsif (coloumn = "1110") then sevenseg <= "01110001" ;
     end if;
end if;

这是我用于Basys2的4x4键盘扫描程序的vhdl代码的一部分。它给“if(row =”0111“)然后”语句错误。我找不到为什么请帮忙。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您正尝试在并发上下文中使用if语句。但是,if语句必须位于顺序上下文中 - 例如process语句:

process(row, column)
    if(row = "0111") then
         if(coloumn = "0111") then
             sevenseg <= "00000110";
         elsif(coloumn = "1011") then 
             sevenseg <= "01011011";
         elsif(coloumn = "1101") then
             sevenseg <= "01001111";
         elsif(coloumn = "1110") then
             sevenseg <= "01110001";
         end if;
    end if;
end process;

然而 - 请注意,如果您综合了上述内容,它很可能最终会为您提供一组很好的锁存器(您通常不想要),因为您并未全部分配sevenseg可能的情况(如果row0111不同,或者coloumn与任何if语句都不匹配。


process(row, column)
    sevenseg <= (others => '0');
    if(row = "0111") then
         if(coloumn = "0111") then
             sevenseg <= "00000110";
         elsif(coloumn = "1011") then 
             sevenseg <= "01011011";
         elsif(coloumn = "1101") then
             sevenseg <= "01001111";
         elsif(coloumn = "1110") then
             sevenseg <= "01110001";
         end if;
    end if;
end process;

我已添加了sevenseg <= (others => '0'); sevenseg,如果没有任何指定的案例被点击,0默认为所有sevenseg,如果是,他们将覆盖添加的行,并将case设置为适当的值。

更好的方法是使用process(row, column) begin if(row = "0111") then case coloumn is when "0111" => sevenseg <= "00000110"; when "1011" => sevenseg <= "01011011"; when "1101" => sevenseg <= "01001111"; when "1110" => sevenseg <= "01110001"; when others => sevenseg <= (others => '0'); end case; else sevenseg <= (others => '0'); end if; end process; 语句,因为这可能更好地描述了您真正想要的内容:

$getInc = $db->prepare("SELECT numAlarms FROM stud_abs_alerts WHERE studId=? AND sub_id=?");
if($getInc == false) {
    echo $mysqli->error;
$getInc->bind_param('ii', $stdId, $subR);

答案 1 :(得分:1)


architecture behave of hex_kp is


     ca <="0111";

--  if(row = "0111") then
--      if(coloumn = "0111") then sevenseg <= "00000110" ;
--     elsif (coloumn = "1011") then sevenseg <= "01011011" ;
--      elsif (coloumn = "1101") then sevenseg <= "01001111" ;
--      elsif (coloumn = "1110") then sevenseg <= "01110001" ;
--      end if;
-- end if;

    sevenseg <= "00000110" when coloumn = "0111" and row = "0111" else
                "01011011" when coloumn = "1011" and row = "0111" else
                "01001111" when coloumn = "1101" and row = "0111" else
                "01110001" when coloumn = "1110" and row = "0111" else
                "00000000" when                      row = "0111";
end architecture behave;

请注意,就像您的Stack Exchange问​​题(vhdl code interfacing keypad with fpga)一样,sevenseg上的推断锁存因使用row = "0111"作为转让条件而导致。

上述架构给出的结果与我在Stack Exchange问​​题(vhdl code interfacing keypad with fpga)上的答案相同。



删除锁存器就像从上面条件信号赋值中的最终选择中删除row = "0111"一样简单,或者在使用case语句的Stack Exchange示例中删除library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity hex_kp is port ( row: in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); coloumn: in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); -- 'column 'is mispelled sevenseg: out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); -- why is 7 segs 8 long? ca : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) ); end entity hex_kp; architecture behavioral of hex_kp is -- signal row: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- who drive row? begin -- this was missing UNLABELLED: process(row, coloumn) -- was 'column' (didn't match declaration) begin ca <="0111"; if row = "0111" then case coloumn is when "0111" => sevenseg <= "00000110"; when "1011" => sevenseg <= "01011011"; when "1101" => sevenseg <= "01001111"; when "1110" => sevenseg <= "01110001"; when others => sevenseg <= (others => '0'); end case; end if; end process; end architecture behavioral; architecture behave of hex_kp is begin ca <="0111"; -- if(row = "0111") then -- -- if(coloumn = "0111") then sevenseg <= "00000110" ; -- elsif (coloumn = "1011") then sevenseg <= "01011011" ; -- elsif (coloumn = "1101") then sevenseg <= "01001111" ; -- elsif (coloumn = "1110") then sevenseg <= "01110001" ; -- end if; -- end if; sevenseg <= "00000110" when coloumn = "0111" and row = "0111" else "01011011" when coloumn = "1011" and row = "0111" else "01001111" when coloumn = "1101" and row = "0111" else "01110001" when coloumn = "1110" and row = "0111" else "00000000" when row = "0111"; end architecture behave; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity hex_kp_tb is end entity; architecture foo of hex_kp_tb is signal row: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); signal coloumn: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); signal sevenseg: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); signal ca: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); signal count: unsigned (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); begin DUT: entity work.hex_kp port map ( row => row, coloumn => coloumn, sevenseg => sevenseg, ca => ca ); STIMULUS: process begin row <= std_logic_vector (count(3 downto 0)); coloumn <= std_logic_vector (count(7 downto 4)); wait for 100 ns; count <= count + 1; if count = "11111111" then wait; end if; end process; end architecture; ,为封闭if提供else言。

