PHP- Convert negative time-stamp to positive

时间:2015-11-12 11:45:53

标签: php laravel sphinx

I stored "date of birth" in Sphinx search engine as timestamp (integer)


User DOB is "12-01-1960" (Age is 55)
Sphinx side: 3980298496 (MySQL handle this from DB to Sphinx)

In PHP side, For search purpose, I want to calculate time-stamp as follows but it gives negative value because PHP gives negative value if date is less than Jan 1 1970

Carbon::now()->subYears('55')->timestamp = -288316800

How do I make a positive time-stamp? so that I can do filter search from PHP. Or please suggest any other workaround.

-288316800 to 3980298496

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

Sphinx的timestamp属性是无符号的32位整数。 (它与uint属性没有任何不同)



我个人使用mysql TODAYS函数为日期获取一个很好的简单整数,并将其存储在sphinx属性中。很容易使用(虽然没有模仿转换为PHP函数,所以仍然

private string Name { get; set; }



答案 1 :(得分:0)

I think you can handle it by using the DateTime object

$dateTime = new DateTime;

var_dump($dateTime->format('Y')); // prints string(4) "1960"

$dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '1930-03-03');

var_dump($dateTime->getTimestamp()); // prints int(-1256990210);

Basically you don't care how it is stored in database, you can use the DateTime object to convert from/to timestamp any integer (positive or negative)
