How to use main query column value in sub-query?

时间:2015-11-12 11:59:57

标签: sql oracle oracle10g

I have an SQL query where I want to use one of the column value of the main query in the sub query.

The query is:

select **tool.item**,,,
       (select freq from workorder
        where type = 'CP' and itemnum = **tool.item**) freq,
from tool,
where too.num = asset.num 
  and asset.status = 'ACTIVE';

In this query I want use the fetched tool.item value in the sub query.

item assetid date       pm   freq

A1    1      12-NOV-15  123  freq from workorder where itemnum ='A1'
A2    2      13-NOV-15  124  freq from workorder where itemnum ='A2'

Could you help me with this? Thanks in advance.

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

I strongly encourage you to do two things:

  • Learn proper JOIN syntax (never use commas in the from clause.
  • Use abbreviations for table aliases.

So, write the query as:

select t.item,,,
       (select wo.freq
        from workorder wo
        where wo.type = 'CP' and wo.itemnum = t.item
       ) as freq,
from tool t join
     asset a
     on t.num = a.num 
where a.status = 'ACTIVE';

A correlated subquery is a query where the subquery uses columns from the outer query. In this case, the correlation uses t.item in the where clause. When using correlated subqueries I very, very, very strongly recommend that you always use table aliases. It is very easy to make mistakes with column names, and these problems can be quite hard to find.

答案 1 :(得分:0)

it's similar to normal join, you need join you subquery in column with your tables in from section if the query returns null or 1 value it works ok if it returns more than 1 value you will have exception

select tool.item,,,
       (select freq from workorder
        where type = 'CP' and itemnum = tool.item) freq,
from tool,
where tool.num = asset.num 
  and asset.status = 'ACTIVE';