
时间:2015-11-16 02:00:40

标签: scala classcastexception typeclass generic-programming separation-of-concerns



trait NumberOps[T] {  // the type class (simplified for debugging)
  def neg(x: T): T    // negate x
  def abs(x: T): T    // absolute value of x
  // ... over 50 more operations
  def toFloating(x:T):AnyVal    // convert from native to Float or Double, preserving precision
  def fromFloating(f:AnyVal):T  // convert from Float or Double to native
  // ... also to/from Integral and to/from Big

object NumberOps {    // Implements NumberOps for each type
  import language.implicitConversions

  implicit object FloatOps extends NumberOps[Float] {
    def neg(x: Float): Float = -x
    def abs(x: Float): Float = x.abs
    def toFloating(f:Float):Float = f
    def fromFloating(x:AnyVal):Float = {
      x match {
        case f:Float => f
        case d:Double => d.toFloat

  implicit object DoubleOps extends NumberOps[Double] {
    def neg(x: Double): Double = -x
    def abs(x: Double): Double = x.abs
    def toFloating(d:Double):Double = d
    def fromFloating(x:AnyVal):Double = {
      x match {
        case f:Float => f.toDouble
        case d:Double => d

// ... other implicits defined for all primitive types, plus BigInt, BigDec

}    // NumberOps object



你会注意到"关注A"体现在默认,而关注B"被定义为泛型方法f,然后作为部分应用函数(f _)传递给方法eval。此代码取决于早期代码。

object ImaginaryOps {    // Implements NumberOps for complex numbers, as 2-element arrays of any numeric type
  import language.implicitConversions
  import reflect.ClassTag
  import NumberOps._

  implicit def ComplexOps[U: NumberOps : ClassTag]: NumberOps[Array[U]] = {    // NumberOps[T] :: NumberOps[Array[U]]

    val numOps = implicitly[NumberOps[U]]

    type OpF2[V] = (V,V) => NumberOps[V] => (V,V)    // equivalent to curried function: f[V](V,V)(NumberOps[V]):(V,V)

    // Concern A: widen x,y from native type U to type V, evaluate function f, then convert the result back to native type U
    def eval[V](x:U, y:U)(f:OpF2[V]):(U,U) = {
      (numOps.toFloating(x), numOps.toFloating(y), f) match {
        case (xf:Float, yf:Float, _:OpF2[Float] @unchecked) =>    // _:opF @unchecked permits compiler type inference on f
          val (xv,yv) = f(xf.asInstanceOf[V], yf.asInstanceOf[V])(FloatOps.asInstanceOf[NumberOps[V]])
          (numOps.fromFloating(xv.asInstanceOf[Float]), numOps.fromFloating(yv.asInstanceOf[Float]))
        case (xd:Double, yd:Double, _:OpF2[Double] @unchecked) =>    // _:opF @unchecked permits compiler type inference on f
          val (xv,yv) = f(xd.asInstanceOf[V], yd.asInstanceOf[V])(DoubleOps.asInstanceOf[NumberOps[V]])
          (numOps.fromFloating(xv.asInstanceOf[Double]), numOps.fromFloating(yv.asInstanceOf[Double]))
    }    // eval

    new NumberOps[Array[U]]{    // implement NumberOps for complex numbers of any type U
      def neg(a: Array[U]): Array[U] = a match { case (Array(ax, ay)) =>
        def f[V](xv:V, yv:V)(no:NumberOps[V]):(V,V) = (no.neg(xv), no.neg(yv))  // Concern B: the complex calculation
        val (xu,yu) = eval(a(0), a(1))(f _)    // combine Concern A (widening conversion) with Concern B (calculation)
        a(0) = xu; a(1) = yu; a
      def abs(a: Array[U]): Array[U] = a match { case (Array(ax, ay)) =>
        def f[V](xv:V, yv:V)(no:NumberOps[V]):(V,V) = (no.abs(xv), no.abs(yv))  // Concern B: the complex calculation
        val (xu,yu) = eval(a(0), a(1))(f _)    // combine Concern A (widening conversion) with Concern B (calculation)
        a(0) = xu; a(1) = yu; a
      def toFloating(a:Array[U]):AnyVal = numOps.toFloating( a(0) )
      def fromFloating(x:AnyVal):Array[U] = Array(numOps.fromFloating(x), numOps.fromFloating(x))
  }    // implicit def ComplexOps

}    // ImaginaryOps object

object TestNumberOps {

  def cxStr(a:Any) = { a match { case ad: Array[Double] => s"${ad(0)} + ${ad(1)}i" } }

  def cxUnary[T:NumberOps](v: T)(unaryOp:T => T): T = {
    val ops = implicitly[NumberOps[T]]

  def main(args:Array[String]) {
    import ImaginaryOps._
    val complexDoubleOps = implicitly[NumberOps[Array[Double]]]
    val complex1 = Array(1.0,1.0)
    val neg1 = cxUnary(complex1)(complexDoubleOps.neg _)
    val abs1 = cxUnary(neg1)(complexDoubleOps.abs _)
    println(s"adz1 = ${cxStr(complex1)}, neg1 = ${cxStr(neg1)}, abs1 = ${cxStr(abs1)}, ")

}    // TestNumberOps


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Double cannot be cast to scala.runtime.Nothing$
  at ImaginaryOps$$anon$1$$anonfun$1.apply(Experiment4.scala:68)
  at ImaginaryOps$.ImaginaryOps$$eval$1(Experiment4.scala:60)
  at ImaginaryOps$$anon$1.neg(Experiment4.scala:68)
  at TestNumberOps$$anonfun$3.apply(Experiment4.scala:97)
  at TestNumberOps$$anonfun$3.apply(Experiment4.scala:97)
  at TestNumberOps$.cxUnary(Experiment4.scala:89)
  at TestNumberOps$.main(Experiment4.scala:97)
  at TestNumberOps.main(Experiment4.scala)

我理解为什么会发生此异常。这是因为编译器无法解析def f [V]的类型V,因此当它作为(f _)传递给方法eval时,其泛型类型V已更改为scala.runtime。什么都没有。

在没有成功的情况下挣扎,在网上徒劳地搜索之后,我希望在这里找到一个有用的建议。可能我会让它变得更难,但是使用Scala强大的类型系统应该有一个解决方案。问题是如何告诉编译器在评估这个函数时使用 this 类型。

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答案 0 :(得分:0)



 trait Addable[A] {
   def apply(a: A, b: A): A

 implicit val intAddable: Addable[Int] = new Addable[Int] {
    def apply(a: Int, b: Int): Float = a + b

 implicit val floatAddable: Addable[Float] = new Addable[Float] {
   def apply(a: Float, b: Float): Float = a + b

 implicit final class AddOps[A](a: A) {
   def add(b: A)(implicit addable: Addable[A]): A = addable(a, b)



 implicit def complexAddable[A](implicit addable: Addable[A]): Addable[Array[A]] = {
     new Addable[Array[A]] {
         def apply(a: Array[A], b: Array[A]): Array[A] = {
            Array(a(0).add(b(0)), a(1).add(b(1)))


