
时间:2015-11-18 07:33:51

标签: java gwt

我正在尝试在GWT中使用java.lang.Math.IEEEremainder(double f1, double f2)。但我得到了以下异常。


[ERROR]第1119行:方法IEEEremainder(double,double)是   未定义类型Math

我尝试执行此代码:angle = Math.IEEEremainder(angle, 360.0);


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

根据JRE Emulation,GWT不支持此功能。


如果我理解正确,你试图将角度限制在360度。 您可以使用以下代码实现此目的:

 * Normalize a degree value.
 * @param d value
 * @return 0<=value<=360
public static double normalizeDegrees(double d)
    while (d < 0)
        d += 360;
    while (d > 360)
        d -= 360;
    return d;

如果你得到正数,你甚至可以跳过上面的while - 阻止。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


 * Computes the remainder operation on two arguments as prescribed by the IEEE 754 standard. The remainder value is
 * mathematically equal to <code>f1&nbsp;-&nbsp;f2</code>&nbsp;&times;&nbsp;<i>n</i>, where <i>n</i> is the
 * mathematical integer closest to the exact mathematical value of the quotient {@code f1/f2}, and if two
 * mathematical integers are equally close to {@code f1/f2}, then <i>n</i> is the integer that is even. If the
 * remainder is zero, its sign is the same as the sign of the first argument. Special cases:
 * <ul>
 * <li>If either argument is NaN, or the first argument is infinite, or the second argument is positive zero or
 * negative zero, then the result is NaN.
 * <li>If the first argument is finite and the second argument is infinite, then the result is the same as the first
 * argument.
 * </ul>
 * @param f1 the dividend.
 * @param f2 the divisor.
 * @return the remainder when {@code f1} is divided by {@code f2}.
public static double IEEEremainder(double f1, double f2)
    double div = Math.round(f1 / f2);
    return f1 - (div * f2);

