
时间:2015-11-18 14:37:37

标签: c# vb.net


            switch (Weight)
                case 0 to 2;
                    ShippingCost = "3.69";

                case 3 to 4;
                    ShippingCost = "4.86";

                case 5 to 6;
                    ShippingCost = "5.63";

                case 7 to 8;
                    ShippingCost = "5.98";

                case 9 to 10;
                    ShippingCost = "6.28";

                case 11 to 30;
                    ShippingCost = "15.72";



10 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:13)


case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
  ShippingCost = "3.69";

case 3:
case 4:
  ShippingCost = "4.86";




if(Weight<=2) {
  ShippingCost = "3.69";
else if(Weight <= 4) {
  ShippingCost = "4.86";
... etc

答案 1 :(得分:6)


switch (Weight)
    case 0:
    case 1:
    case 2:
       ShippingCost = "3.69";


if(Weight >= 0 && Weight <= 2){
    ShippingCost = "3.69";
} else if(Weight >= 3 && Weight <= 4){
    ShippingCost = "4.86";

答案 2 :(得分:5)

尝试这样:此解决方案无需在&&语句中编写else if

if(Weight >= 11 && Weight <= 30)
   ShippingCost = "15.72";
else if(Weight >= 9)
   ShippingCost = "6.28";
else if(Weight >= 7)
   ShippingCost = "5.98";
else if(Weight >= 5)
   ShippingCost = "5.63";
else if(Weight >= 3)
   ShippingCost = "4.86";
else if(Weight >= 0)
   ShippingCost = "3.69";

答案 3 :(得分:5)

你也可以把它写成Linq one liner:

var ShippingCost = (new[] { new { w = 2, p = "3,69" }, 
                            new { w = 4, p = "4.86" }, 
                            new { w = 6, p = "5.63" }, 
                            new { w = 8, p = "5.98" }, 
                            new { w = 10, p = "6.28" }, 
                            new { w = 30, p = "15.72" }})
             .First(x => Weight <= x.w).p;


答案 4 :(得分:4)


private static double GetShippingCost(double weight)
    if (weight > 30) throw new ArgumentException("Weight over allowed maximum", "weight");

    if (weight <= 2) return 3.69;
    if (weight <= 4) return 4.86;
    if (weight <= 6) return 5.63;
    if (weight <= 8) return 5.98;
    if (weight <= 10) return 6.28;
    if (weight <= 30) return 15.72;


答案 5 :(得分:3)


public sealed class CostsPerWeight
    class CostPerWeight
        public int Low;
        public int High;
        public double Cost;

    readonly List<CostPerWeight> costs = new List<CostPerWeight>();

    public CostsPerWeight Add(int low, int high, double result)
        // Error handling omitted for brevity. 
        // Real code should check that low < high and that ranges do not overlap.

        costs.Add(new CostPerWeight { Low = low, High = high, Cost = result } );
        return this;

    public double Cost(int weight)
        // This throws if the weight isn't in the list.
        // If that's not what you want, you'd have to add extra error handling here.
        return costs.First(x => x.Low <= weight && weight <= x.High).Cost;


var costs = new CostsPerWeight()
    .Add( 0,  2,  3.69)
    .Add( 3,  4,  4.86)
    .Add( 5,  6,  5.63)
    .Add( 7,  8,  5.98)
    .Add( 9, 10,  6.28)
    .Add(11, 30, 15.72);

double shippingCost = costs.Cost(weight);


(使用它而不是Linq one-liner的优点就是它更容易记录和单元测试。你也可以创建一个CostsPerWeight类实例并传递它 - 对于解耦代码,依赖很有用 - 注射和单元测试。)



public class CostsPerWeight
    class CostPerWeight
        public int Low;
        public int High;
        public double Cost;

    readonly List<CostPerWeight> costs = new List<CostPerWeight>();

    double min = double.MaxValue;
    double max = double.MinValue;
    double costForMin;

    public CostsPerWeight Add(int low, int high, double cost)
        if (low > high)
            throw new ArgumentException(nameof(low) + " must be less than " + nameof(high));

        if (cost < 0)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(cost), "cost must be greater than zero");

        costs.Add(new CostPerWeight { Low = low, High = high, Cost = cost } );

        if (low < min)
            min = low;
            costForMin = cost;

        if (high > max)
            max = high;

        return this;

    public double Cost(int weight)
        if (weight < min)
            return costForMin;

        if (weight > max)
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Weight {weight} is out of range: Must be <= {max}");

        return costs.First(x => x.Low <= weight && weight <= x.High).Cost;

答案 6 :(得分:3)


  private struct ShippingCost
      public int MinWeight;
      public int MaxWeight;
      public decimal Cost;

      public ShippingCost(int min, int max, decimal cost)
         MinWeight = min;
         MaxWeight = max;
         Cost = cost;

  private List<ShippingCost> Costs = new List<ShippingCost>
      new ShippingCost(0, 2, 3.69m),
      new ShippingCost(3, 4, 4.86m),
      new ShippingCost(5, 6, 5.63m),
      new ShippingCost(7, 8, 5.98m),
      new ShippingCost(9, 10, 6.28m),
      new ShippingCost(11, 30, 15.72m),

  // Choose shipping cost
  public decimal CalcShippingCost(int weight)
      foreach (ShippingCost sc in Costs)
          if (weight >= sc.MinWeight && weight <= sc.MaxWeight)
              return sc.Cost;

      return 0.00m;     // default cost

答案 7 :(得分:1)



case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
case 28:
case 29:
case 30:

“oldschool”if / else if将是最易读的解决方案

答案 8 :(得分:0)


var shippingCostsByWeight = new List<Tuple<int, int, string>>
    new Tuple<int, int, string>(0, 2, "3.69"),
    new Tuple<int, int, string>(3, 4, "4.86"),
    new Tuple<int, int, string>(5, 6, "5.63"),
    new Tuple<int, int, string>(7, 8, "5.98"),
    new Tuple<int, int, string>(9, 10, "6.28"),
    new Tuple<int, int, string>(11, 30, "15.72"),

ShippingCost = shippingCostsByWeight
                .First(tuple => weight >= tuple.Item1 && weight <= tuple.Item2).Item3;

答案 9 :(得分:-1)

您可以使用fall-through case switch语句,如下所示:

case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
  shippingCost = "3.69";

... and so on

这将导致0将shippingCost设置为3.69以及1和2. :) 这将是我对此的解决方案