
时间:2015-11-25 12:27:45

标签: c# .net decimal factorial




    string st = Console.ReadLine();
    Int64 factCount = 0;
    while (st.Contains('!'))
       factCount = st.Where(w => w == '!').Count();
       st = st.Replace('!', ' ');

    decimal result = 1 ;
    for (Int64 j = 0; j < factCount; j++)
        UInt64 num = Convert.ToUInt64(st.Trim());
        for (UInt64 x = num; x > 0; x--)
            result = result * x;
    if (factCount == 0)
        result = Convert.ToUInt64(st.Trim());

    string st2 = Console.ReadLine();
    Int64 factCount2 = 0;
    while (st2.Contains('!'))
        factCount2 = st2.Where(w => w == '!').Count();
        st2 = st2.Replace('!', ' ');
    decimal result2 = 1;
    for (Int64 j = 0; j < factCount2; j++)
        UInt64 num = Convert.ToUInt64(st.Trim());
        for (UInt64 x = num; x > 0; x--)
            result2 = result2 * x;
    if (factCount2 == 0)
        result2 = Convert.ToUInt64(st2.Trim());

    if (result == result2)
    else if (result < result2)
    else if (result > result2)
catch (Exception ex)

但我得到的错误是 值对于十进制来说太大或太小



    string st = Console.ReadLine();
    int factCount = 0;
    while (st.Contains('!'))
       factCount = st.Where(w => w == '!').Count();
       st = st.Replace('!', ' ');


    string st2 = Console.ReadLine();
    int factCount2 = 0;
    while (st2.Contains('!'))
        factCount2 = st2.Where(w => w == '!').Count();
        st2 = st2.Replace('!', ' ');

    int resultFactCount = factCount - factCount2;
    decimal result = 1;
    decimal result2 = 1;

    if (resultFactCount > 0)

        for (Int64 j = 0; j < resultFactCount; j++)
            UInt64 num = Convert.ToUInt64(st.Trim());
            for (UInt64 x = num; x > 0; x--)
                result = result * x;
        if (factCount == 0)
            result = Convert.ToUInt64(st.Trim());
        UInt64 num1 = Convert.ToUInt64(st.Trim());
        if (result == num1)
        else if (result < num1)
        else if (result > num1)
        int resultFactCount1 = System.Math.Abs(resultFactCount);
        for (Int64 j = 0; j < resultFactCount1; j++)
            UInt64 num = Convert.ToUInt64(st.Trim());
            for (UInt64 x = num; x > 0; x--)
                result2 = result2 * x;
        if (factCount2 == 0)
            result2 = Convert.ToUInt64(st2.Trim());
        UInt64 num1 = Convert.ToUInt64(st.Trim());

        if (result2 == num1)
        else if (result2 < num1)
        else if (result2 > num1)

很抱歉,但仍然是123 !!!是如此巨大,以至于我得到了同样的错误


传统上m!!...! n ! s表示m(m-n)(m-2n)....但是此处被视为(...((m!)!)!...)!
  Alec的注释,是的,我知道,这是一个不幸的符号,但是你看到传统的定义比OP想要的更有用(在组合学中,因子来自的地方)。   我会把它放在评论中,但它会被其他人黯然失色,这非常重要。

8 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:52)




许多倍数都是相似的,所以你可以取消它们。另请注意,尾随123!!!!!! / 456!!!将取消。这是因为x> y暗示,并暗示x! &GT; Y!其中x和y是正整数。


我可以告诉你 on inspection !123!!!!!!大于123!!!而更大。

答案 1 :(得分:22)



123 !!!!!! > 456 !!! 


123 !!!!! > 456 !!
123 !!!! > 456 ! 


123 !!! > 456  



public class Program
    static bool LeftIsGreaterThanRightSide(UInt64 leftSide, int leftSidefactCount, UInt64 rightSide)
            checked // for the OverflowException
                UInt64 input2 = leftSide;
                int factCount = leftSidefactCount;
                UInt64 result = 1;

                for (Int64 j = 0; j < factCount; j++)
                    UInt64 num = input2;
                    for (UInt64 x = num; x > 0; x--)
                        result = result * x;

                // None of the operand are great or equal than UInt64.MaxValue
                // So let's compare the result normaly
                return result > rightSide; 
        catch (OverflowException)
            // leftSide overflowed, rightSide is a representable UInt64 so leftSide > rightSide ; 
            return true; 

    static void Main()
        String input1 = Console.ReadLine();
        String input2 = Console.ReadLine();

        int fact1Count = input1.Count(c => c == '!');
        int fact2Count = input2.Count(c => c == '!');

        UInt64 x = Convert.ToUInt64(input1.Replace("!", String.Empty).Trim());
        UInt64 y = Convert.ToUInt64(input2.Replace("!", String.Empty).Trim());

        x = x == 0 ? 1 : x ; // Handling 0 !
        y = y == 0 ? 1 : y; 

        if (fact1Count > fact2Count)
            fact1Count = fact1Count - fact2Count;
            Console.WriteLine(LeftIsGreaterThanRightSide(x, fact1Count, y) ? "x > y" : "x <= y");
            fact2Count = fact2Count - fact1Count;
            Console.WriteLine(LeftIsGreaterThanRightSide(y, fact2Count, x) ? "y > x" : "y <= x");



答案 2 :(得分:14)


  123!!!!!! == (123!!!)!!!

  123!!! >>> 456 // >>> stands for "much, much...much larger", ">>" is not enough 




  ln(n!) == n * ln(n) - n
  lg(n!) == ln(n!)/ln(10) == n * ln(n) / ln(10) - n / ln(10) == n * lg(n) - n / ln(10)
      n! == n ** n / exp(n)


  lg(456!)       == 1014
  lg((456!)!)    == 1e1014 * 1014- 1e1014/ln(10) == 1e1017
  lg(((456!)!)!) == 1e(1e1017) 
     ((456!)!)!  == 1e(1e(1e1017))


答案 3 :(得分:6)


正如其他人所说,你可以删除所有常见的“!”因为x > y <==> x! > y!

你的程序基本上必须证明阶乘(123 !!!)大于普通数字。您可以通过快速退出循环来解决此问题。在计算阶乘时,您可以在产品大于456时立即返回,因为阶乘总是随着额外的迭代而增长。

// While string parsing check if one number equals 0 and has at least
// one "!" - if yes set its value to 1 ( because 0! = 1! = 1 )

int x = 123;
int y = 456;
int numberOfFactorials = 3;

    for( int i = 0; i < numberOfFactorials; ++i )
        for ( int j = x-1; j > 0; --j )
            x *= j;
            // This quick exit will return after one iteration
            // because 123*122 > 456
            if ( x > y ) return "x is bigger than y";

    return x == y ? "gosh they are the same!"
                  : "x is smaller than y";
catch( OverflowException e )
   return "x Overflowed so it is bigger than y!";


答案 4 :(得分:2)

正如其他人所说,123 !!!!!!和456 !!!只有太大才能由计算机代表,并且x!! <=> y!类型的比较会缩减为x! <=> y


假设比较为x! <=> y(一个因子)。如果x >= y,您就完成了。如果x < y,请评估x!并进行比较。

假设比较为x!! <=> y(两个因子)。制表最小值:

1!! = 1! = 1
2!! = 2! = 2
3!! = 6! = 720
4!! = 24! = 620,448,401,733,239,439,360,000
5!! = 120! = about 6.6895 * 10^198
6!! = 720! = about 2.6012 * 10^1746

因此,对于任何yx > 4将导致x!! > y。对于x <= 4,请评估x!!并进行比较。

如需更多阶乘,请记住x!!! = (x!)!!,评估x!,并使用上述步骤。

答案 5 :(得分:1)



您也可以按照建议by Leherenn above取消跟踪!,因为123!大于456,(123 !!!)!!!也将大于(456)!!!。

答案 6 :(得分:0)


public struct RepeatedFactorial
  private readonly int _baseNumber;
  private readonly int _repeats;
  public int BaseNumber
    get { return _baseNumber; }
  public int Repeats {
    get { return _repeats; }
  public RepeatedFactorial(int baseNumber, int repeats)
    if (baseNumber < 0 || repeats < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
    _baseNumber = baseNumber;
    _repeats = repeats;


public int CompareTo(RepeatedFactorial other)
  // ?


public int CompareTo(RepeatedFactorial other)
  if (BaseNumber == 0)
    // If Repeats is zero the value of this is zero, otherwise
    // this is the same as a value with BaseNumber == 1 and no factorials.
    // So delegate to the handling of that case.
    if (Repeats == 0) return other.BaseNumber == 0 && other.Repeats == 0 ? 0 : -1;
    return new RepeatedFactorial(1, 0).CompareTo(other);
  if (other.BaseNumber == 0)
    // Likewise
    return other.Repeats == 0 ? 1 : CompareTo(new RepeatedFactorial (1, 0));
  if (Repeats == other.Repeats)
    // X < Y == X! < Y!. X > Y == X! > Y! And so on.
    return BaseNumber.CompareTo(other.BaseNumber);


public int CompareTo(RepeatedFactorial other)
  if (BaseNumber == 0)
    // If Repeats is zero the value of this is zero, otherwise
    // this is the same as a value with BaseNumber == 1 and no factorials.
    // So delegate to the handling of that case.
    if (Repeats == 0) return other.BaseNumber == 0 && other.Repeats == 0 ? 0 : -1;
    return new RepeatedFactorial(1, 0).CompareTo(other);
  if (other.BaseNumber == 0)
    // Likewise
    return other.Repeats == 0 ? 1 : CompareTo(new RepeatedFactorial (1, 0));
  if (Repeats == other.Repeats)
    // X < Y == X! < Y!. X > Y == X! > Y! And so on.
    return BaseNumber.CompareTo(other.BaseNumber);
  if (Repeats > other.Repeats)
    return -other.CompareTo(this);

现在我们只需要担心this重复次数少于other。由于X> Y暗示X! &GT; Y!等等我们可以将这个问题减少到我们知道this零重复的地方:

public int CompareTo(RepeatedFactorial other)
  if (BaseNumber == 0)
    // If Repeats is zero the value of this is zero, otherwise
    // this is the same as a value with BaseNumber == 1 and no factorials.
    // So delegate to the handling of that case.
    if (Repeats == 0) return other.BaseNumber == 0 && other.Repeats == 0 ? 0 : -1;
    return new RepeatedFactorial(1, 0).CompareTo(other);
  if (other.BaseNumber == 0)
    // Likewise
      return other.Repeats == 0 ? 1 : CompareTo(new RepeatedFactorial (1, 0));
  if (Repeats == other.Repeats)
    // X < Y == X! < Y!. X > Y == X! > Y! And so on.
    return BaseNumber.CompareTo(other.BaseNumber);
  if (Repeats > other.Repeats)
    return -other.CompareTo(this);
  if (Repeats != 0)
    return new RepeatedFactorial(BaseNumber, 0).CompareTo(new RepeatedFactorial(other.BaseNumber, other.Repeats - Repeats);


public int CompareTo(RepeatedFactorial other)
  if (BaseNumber == 0)
    // If Repeats is zero the value of this is zero, otherwise
    // this is the same as a value with BaseNumber == 1 and no factorials.
    // So delegate to the handling of that case.
    if (Repeats == 0) return other.BaseNumber == 0 && other.Repeats == 0 ? 0 : -1;
    return new RepeatedFactorial(1, 0).CompareTo(other);
  if (other.BaseNumber == 0)
    // Likewise
    return other.Repeats == 0 ? 1 : CompareTo(new RepeatedFactorial (1, 0));
  if (Repeats == other.Repeats)
    // X < Y == X! < Y!. X > Y == X! > Y! And so on.
    return BaseNumber.CompareTo(other.BaseNumber);
  if (Repeats > other.Repeats)
    return -other.CompareTo(this);
  if (Repeats != 0)
    return new RepeatedFactorial(BaseNumber, 0).CompareTo(new RepeatedFactorial(other.BaseNumber, other.Repeats - Repeats);
  if (other.BaseNumber > 12)
    return -1; // this is less than other


public int CompareTo(RepeatedFactorial other)
    if (BaseNumber == 0)
      // If Repeats is zero the value of this is zero, otherwise
      // this is the same as a value with BaseNumber == 1 and no factorials.
      // So delegate to the handling of that case.
      if (Repeats == 0) return other.BaseNumber == 0 && other.Repeats == 0 ? 0 : -1;
      return new RepeatedFactorial(1, 0).CompareTo(other);
    if (other.BaseNumber == 0)
      // Likewise
      return other.Repeats == 0 ? 1 : CompareTo(new RepeatedFactorial (1, 0));
  if (Repeats == other.Repeats)
    // X < Y == X! < Y!. X > Y == X! > Y! And so on.
    return BaseNumber.CompareTo(other.BaseNumber);
  if (Repeats > other.Repeats)
    return -other.CompareTo(this);
  if (Repeats != 0)
    return new RepeatedFactorial(BaseNumber, 0).CompareTo(new RepeatedFactorial(other.BaseNumber, other.Repeats - Repeats);
  int accum = other.BaseNumber;
  for (int rep = 0; rep != other.Repeats; ++rep)
    if (accum > 12 || accum > BaseNumber) return -1;
    for (int mult = accum - 1; mult > 1; --mult)
    accum *= mult;
  return BaseNumber.CompareTo(accum);



public struct RepeatedFactorial : IComparable<RepeatedFactorial>
  private readonly int _baseNumber;
  private readonly int _repeats;
  public int BaseNumber
    get { return _baseNumber; }
  public int Repeats {
    get { return _repeats; }
  public RepeatedFactorial(int baseNumber, int repeats)
    if (baseNumber < 0 || repeats < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
    _baseNumber = baseNumber;
    _repeats = repeats;
  public int CompareTo(RepeatedFactorial other)
    if (BaseNumber == 0)
      // If Repeats is zero the value of this is zero, otherwise
      // this is the same as a value with BaseNumber == 1 and no factorials.
      // So delegate to the handling of that case.
      if (Repeats == 0) return other.BaseNumber == 0 && other.Repeats == 0 ? 0 : -1;
      return new RepeatedFactorial(1, 0).CompareTo(other);
    if (other.BaseNumber == 0)
      // Likewise
      return other.Repeats == 0 ? 1 : CompareTo(new RepeatedFactorial (1, 0));
    if (Repeats == other.Repeats)
      // X < Y == X! < Y!. X > Y == X! > Y! And so on.
      return BaseNumber.CompareTo(other.BaseNumber);
    if (Repeats > other.Repeats)
      return -other.CompareTo(this);
    if (Repeats != 0)
      return new RepeatedFactorial(BaseNumber, 0).CompareTo(new RepeatedFactorial(other.BaseNumber, other.Repeats - Repeats));
    int accum = other.BaseNumber;
    for (int rep = 0; rep != other.Repeats; ++rep)
      if (accum > 12 || accum > BaseNumber) return -1;
      for (int mult = accum - 1; mult > 1; --mult)
        accum *= mult;
    return BaseNumber.CompareTo(accum);



public struct RepeatedFactorial : IComparable<RepeatedFactorial>
  private readonly ulong _baseNumber;
  private readonly long _repeats;
  public ulong BaseNumber
    get { return _baseNumber; }
  public long Repeats {
    get { return _repeats; }
  public RepeatedFactorial(ulong baseNumber, long repeats)
    if (baseNumber < 0 || repeats < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
    _baseNumber = baseNumber;
    _repeats = repeats;
  public int CompareTo(RepeatedFactorial other)
    if (BaseNumber == 0)
      // This is the same as a value with BaseNumber == 1 and no factorials.
      // So delegate to the handling of that case.
      return new RepeatedFactorial(1, 0).CompareTo(other);
    if (other.BaseNumber == 0)
      // Likewise
      return CompareTo(new RepeatedFactorial (1, 0));
    if (Repeats == other.Repeats)
      // X < Y == X! < Y!. X > Y == X! > Y! And so on.
      return BaseNumber.CompareTo(other.BaseNumber);
    if (Repeats > other.Repeats)
      return -other.CompareTo(this);
    if (Repeats != 0)
      return new RepeatedFactorial(BaseNumber, 0).CompareTo(new RepeatedFactorial(other.BaseNumber, other.Repeats - Repeats));
    ulong accum = other.BaseNumber;
    for (long rep = 0; rep != other.Repeats; ++rep)
      if (accum > 20 || accum > BaseNumber) return -1;
      for (ulong mult = accum - 1; mult > 1; --mult)
        accum *= mult;
    return BaseNumber.CompareTo(accum);

答案 7 :(得分:0)



456 > 123
456!!!! > 123!!!!






由于另一个数字是一个可以存储在变量中的数字,这意味着我们已经计算出一个更高的数字天气,或者已经遇到溢出异常,那么它是一个更大的数字,否则它是一个更小的数字。 / p>


int max_factorial (int x, int x_fact, int y, int y_fact)
    int A=1,B=1,F=0,product=1,sum=0;

    if (x_fact == y_fact) return (x>y?x:y);

    if (x_fact > y_fact)
        A = x; B = y; F = x_fact-y_fact;
        A = y; B = x; F = y_fact-x_fact;

    for (int k=0; k<F; k++)
            for (int i=1; i<A; i++)
                // multiplication in terms of addition
                // P * i = P + P + .. P } i times
                sum = 0; for (int p=0; p<i; p++) sum += product;
                product = product + sum;
                if (product > B) return A;
        catch (OverflowException e)
            return A;

    return B;