
时间:2015-12-16 07:06:26

标签: .net image exif geotagging


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可以使用PropertyItems将EXIF信息附加到.NET 2.0及更高版本中的图像,PropertyItems可转换为单个EXIF字段。这些字段的详细信息可以在the EXIF 2.3 standard中找到,但我们只需要其中五个来对图像进行地理标记。下面的示例C#代码需要引用System.Drawing,System.Drawing.Imaging和System.IO。要测试它,只需使用下面的行。您可以通过this tool(或许多其他人之一)检查图片来验证图片是否已正确地进行了地理标记。

Geotag(new Bitmap(@"C:\path\to\image.jpg"), 34, -118)
    .Save(@"C:\path\to\geotagged.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);


static Image Geotag(Image original, double lat, double lng)
    // These constants come from the CIPA DC-008 standard for EXIF 2.3
    const short ExifTypeByte = 1;
    const short ExifTypeAscii = 2;
    const short ExifTypeRational = 5;

    const int ExifTagGPSVersionID = 0x0000;
    const int ExifTagGPSLatitudeRef = 0x0001;
    const int ExifTagGPSLatitude = 0x0002;
    const int ExifTagGPSLongitudeRef = 0x0003;
    const int ExifTagGPSLongitude = 0x0004;

    char latHemisphere = 'N';
    if (lat < 0)
        latHemisphere = 'S';
        lat = -lat;
    char lngHemisphere = 'E';
    if (lng < 0)
        lngHemisphere = 'W';
        lng = -lng;

    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
    original.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
    ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

    Image img = Image.FromStream(ms);
    AddProperty(img, ExifTagGPSVersionID, ExifTypeByte, new byte[] { 2, 3, 0, 0 });
    AddProperty(img, ExifTagGPSLatitudeRef, ExifTypeAscii, new byte[] { (byte)latHemisphere, 0 });
    AddProperty(img, ExifTagGPSLatitude, ExifTypeRational, ConvertToRationalTriplet(lat));
    AddProperty(img, ExifTagGPSLongitudeRef, ExifTypeAscii, new byte[] { (byte)lngHemisphere, 0 });
    AddProperty(img, ExifTagGPSLongitude, ExifTypeRational, ConvertToRationalTriplet(lng));

    return img;

static byte[] ConvertToRationalTriplet(double value)
    int degrees = (int)Math.Floor(value);
    value = (value - degrees) * 60;
    int minutes = (int)Math.Floor(value);
    value = (value - minutes) * 60 * 100;
    int seconds = (int)Math.Round(value);
    byte[] bytes = new byte[3 * 2 * 4]; // Degrees, minutes, and seconds, each with a numerator and a denominator, each composed of 4 bytes
    int i = 0;
    Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(degrees), 0, bytes, i, 4); i += 4;
    Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(1), 0, bytes, i, 4); i += 4;
    Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(minutes), 0, bytes, i, 4); i += 4;
    Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(1), 0, bytes, i, 4); i += 4;
    Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(seconds), 0, bytes, i, 4); i += 4;
    Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(100), 0, bytes, i, 4);
    return bytes;

static void AddProperty(Image img, int id, short type, byte[] value)
    PropertyItem pi = img.PropertyItems[0];
    pi.Id = id;
    pi.Type = type;
    pi.Len = value.Length;
    pi.Value = value;