
时间:2015-12-23 12:39:07

标签: javascript safari geolocation


实际上我只需要获得纬度/经度坐标。 在PC上,Android设备一切都很酷,在iPhone上它也很好,但只有我使用wifi连接。但是当我使用我的旧iPhone 5s使用3g或LTE时,我什么也没得到(但是从iphone 6开始它可以工作)。

我已经知道如果关闭wifi,Safari不支持地理定位。 但我仍然需要让它适用于iPhone 4,5等iDevices。 我正在使用这段示例代码:


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我是iPhone 5S的所有者,尝试通过3G进行地理定位,它就像一个魅力。我已经通过Wifi和3G尝试了CodePen而没有任何问题。

        getLocation(function(position) {
            //do something cool with position
            currentLat = position.coords.latitude;
            currentLng = position.coords.longitude;

            $("#status").html(currentLat + " " + currentLng);
    }, 1000);

var GPSTimeout = 10; //init global var NOTE: I noticed that 10 gives me the quickest result but play around with this number to your own liking

//function to be called where you want the location with the callback(position)
function getLocation(callback) {
  if (navigator.geolocation) {
    var clickedTime = (new Date()).getTime(); //get the current time
    GPSTimeout = 10; //reset the timeout just in case you call it more then once
    ensurePosition(callback, clickedTime); //call recursive function to get position
  return true;

//recursive position function
function ensurePosition(callback, timestamp) {
  if (GPSTimeout < 6000) {
    //call the geolocation function
      function(position) //on success
        //if the timestamp that is returned minus the time that was set when called is greater then 0 the position is up to date
        if (position.timestamp - timestamp >= 0) {
          GPSTimeout = 10; //reset timeout just in case
          callback(position); //call the callback function you created
        } else //the gps that was returned is not current and needs to be refreshed
          GPSTimeout += GPSTimeout; //increase the timeout by itself n*2
          ensurePosition(callback, timestamp); //call itself to refresh
      function() //error: gps failed so we will try again
        GPSTimeout += GPSTimeout; //increase the timeout by itself n*2
        ensurePosition(callback, timestamp); //call itself to try again
      }, {
        maximumAge: 0,
        timeout: GPSTimeout

感谢Chris Beckett的样本。



  • 首先检查位置服务是否已启用:设置&gt;隐私&gt;位置服务
  • 接下来检查是否为Safari网站启用了