
时间:2015-12-27 00:05:04

标签: python python-3.x tkinter


        def InputScreen():
             DeliveryInterface = tkinter.Tk() #creates the interface for the input screen
             DeliveryInterface.title('Input New Data') #gives the new window a title
             DeliveryInterface.geometry('400x500') #sets the default size of the window as 400 x 500
             DeliveryInterface.maxsize(400, 500) #sets the maximum size of the interface as 400 x 500
             DeliveryInterface.configure(background='#0092FF') #sets the background colour of the inteface to the light blue as seen in the main menu interface
            StockIDLabel = tkinter.Label(DeliveryInterface, text='Stock ID', font=('Helvetica', 16))  # creates a label that tells the user that the next box is associated with the stock id
            StockIDLabel.place(x=30, y=60, height=22, width=200)

            StockID_entry = tkinter.Entry(DeliveryInterface, font=('Helvetica', 16))  # creates the entry box for the stock ID
            StockID_entry.place(x=250, y=60, height=22, width=100)
         def addingNewStock():
             StockID = 0 #Initialises the stock ID
             StockID = DeliveryInterface.StockID_entry.get() #intended to get the data from the entrybox, however, i get an error message say that DeliveryInterface hasnt been defined
            print (StockID) #prints the stockID so that i now if the variable has been changed.


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您面临的问题是变量具有其范围 - 您已将InputInterface定义为存在于InputScreen()中 - 并且它不会存在于其他任何位置。



使InputScreen成为一个具有初始化方法和添加新股票的类。通过这样做,类将记住它的状态 - 变量的值。


答案 1 :(得分:0)


    def InputScreen():
         global DeliveryInterface
         DeliveryInterface = tkinter.Tk() #creates the interface for the input screen
         DeliveryInterface.title('Input New Data') #gives the new window a title
         DeliveryInterface.geometry('400x500') #sets the default size of the window as 400 x 500
         DeliveryInterface.maxsize(400, 500) #sets the maximum size of the interface as 400 x 500
         DeliveryInterface.configure(background='#0092FF') #sets the background colour of the inteface to the light blue as seen in the main menu interface
        StockIDLabel = tkinter.Label(DeliveryInterface, text='Stock ID', font=('Helvetica', 16))  # creates a label that tells the user that the next box is associated with the stock id
        StockIDLabel.place(x=30, y=60, height=22, width=200)

        StockID_entry = tkinter.Entry(DeliveryInterface, font=('Helvetica', 16))  # creates the entry box for the stock ID
        StockID_entry.place(x=250, y=60, height=22, width=100)
     def addingNewStock():
         StockID = 0 #Initialises the stock ID
         StockID = DeliveryInterface.StockID_entry.get() #intended to get the data from the entrybox, however, i get an error message say that DeliveryInterface hasnt been defined
        print (StockID) #prints the stockID so that i now if the variable has been changed.

另一种选择是使用python 3的nonlocal关键字。
