停止泛型C ++ 14` curry`函数递归

时间:2015-12-27 17:14:41

标签: c++ recursion functional-programming c++14 currying

我正在尝试在C ++ 14中实现一个通用curry函数,该函数将可调用对象作为输入参数并允许currying


auto sum3 = [](int x, int y, int z){ return x + y + z; };

int main()
    assert(curry(sum3)(1)(1)(1) == 3);

    auto plus2 = curry(sum3)(1)(1);
    assert(plus2(1) == 3);
    assert(plus2(3) == 5);




template <typename...>
using void_t = void;

template <typename, typename = void>
class is_zero_callable : public std::false_type

template <typename T>
class is_zero_callable<T, void_t<decltype(std::declval<T>()())>>
    : public std::true_type

不幸的是,我似乎无法找到一种方法来检查零参数“callability”的正确函数 - 我需要以某种方式检查当前绑定函数的函数是否将返回零调用。

这是我到目前为止所获得的(godbolt link)

template <typename TF, bool TLastStep>
struct curry_impl;

// Base case (last step).
// `f` is a function callable with no arguments.
// Call it and return.
template <typename TF>
struct curry_impl<TF, true>
    static auto exec(TF f)
        return f();

// Recursive case.
template <typename TF, bool TLastStep>
struct curry_impl
    static auto exec(TF f)
        // Bind `x` to subsequent calls.
        return [=](auto x)
            // This is `f`, with `x` bound as the first argument.
            // (`f` is the original function only on the first recursive
            // step.) 
            auto bound_f = [=](auto... xs)
                return f(x, xs...);

            // Problem: how to detect if we need to stop the recursion?
            using last_step = std::integral_constant<bool, /* ??? */>;
            // `is_zero_callable<decltype(bound_f)>{}` will not work,
            // because `bound_f` is variadic and always zero-callable.

            // Curry recursively.
            return curry_impl<decltype(bound_f), 

// Interface function.
template <typename TF>
auto curry(TF f)
    return curry_impl<TF, is_zero_callable<decltype(f)>{}>::exec(f);

我的方法/直觉是否可行? (实际上是否可以通过检测我们是否已达到原始函数的零arg可调用版本来停止递归?)



(请注意,我已使用用户指定的模板int TArity参数测试此currying实现以停止递归,并且它正常工作。让用户手动指定原始{{arity}然而,1}}函数是不可接受的。)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


auto bound_f = [=](auto... xs) -> decltype(f(x, xs...))
//                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     return f(x, xs...);

using last_step = std::integral_constant<bool,
//                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



template<class F, class T>
struct bound_function {
    F f;
    T arg;
    template<class... Args>
    auto operator()(Args... args) const -> decltype(f(arg, args...)){
        return f(arg, args...);

请注意,我在这里模仿通用lambda的语义并制作operator() const。一个功能齐全的实现可能希望在constness和value类别上重载。


auto bound_f = bound_function<TF, decltype(x)>{f, x};

在GCC和Clang中都有效,但有一个理论问题:当 f(arg)有效时(而不是额外的参数),然后实例化bound_function(实例化)其operator())的声明是不正确的NDR,因为operator()声明的每个有效专业都需要一个空的参数包。


template<class F, class T, class = void>
struct bound_function {
    using zero_callable = std::false_type;
    F f;
    T arg;
    template<class... Args>
    auto operator()(Args... args) const -> decltype(f(arg, args...)){
        return f(arg, args...);

template<class F, class T>
struct bound_function<F, T, void_t<decltype(std::declval<const F&>()(std::declval<const T&>()))>> {
    using zero_callable = std::true_type;
    F f;
    T arg;
    decltype(auto) operator()() const {
        return f(arg);


auto bound_f = bound_function<TF, decltype(x)>{f, x};
using last_step = typename decltype(bound_f)::zero_callable;

答案 1 :(得分:1)



// ConsoleApplication4.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>

// core function
template<typename FN, std::size_t N>
struct curry
    FN fn_;
    curry(FN fn) :fn_{ fn }

    template<typename... TS, typename = std::enable_if_t< (N - sizeof...(TS)) != 0, int >>
    auto operator()(TS... ts1) {
        auto fn = [f = this->fn_, ts1...](auto... args) mutable {
            return f(ts1..., args...);
        return curry<decltype(fn), N - sizeof...(TS)>(fn);

    template<typename... TS, typename Z = void, typename = std::enable_if_t< (N - sizeof...(TS)) == 0, int > >
    auto operator()(TS... ts1) {
        return fn_(ts1...);

//general  make curry function
template<typename R, typename... Args>
auto make_curry(R(&f)(Args...)) {
    auto fn = [&f](Args... args) {
        return f(args...);
    return curry<decltype(fn), sizeof...(Args)>(fn);

//general  make curry member function
template<typename C, typename R, typename... Args>
auto make_curry(R(C::*f)(Args...), C c) {
    auto fn = [f, c](Args... args) mutable {
        return (c.*f)(args...);
    return curry<decltype(fn), sizeof...(Args)>(fn);

template<typename C, typename R, typename... Args>
auto make_curry(R(C::*f)(Args...) const, C c) {
    auto fn = [f, c](Args... args) mutable {
        return (c.*f)(args...);
    return curry<decltype(fn), sizeof...(Args)>(fn);

//general  make curry lambda function
template<typename C>
auto make_curry(C&& c) {
    using CR = std::remove_reference_t<C>;
    return make_curry(&CR::operator(), c);

using std::string;
using std::function;

string func(string a, string b, string c) {
    return "general function:" + a + b + c;

struct A {
    string func(string a, string b, string c) {
        return "member function:" + a + b + c;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    {  //general function curry
        auto c = make_curry(func);

        auto m1 = c("t1")("t2")("t3");
        auto m2 = c("test1")("test2")("test3");

        auto m3 = c("m1");
        auto m4 = m3("m2");
        auto m5 = m4("m3");

        std::cout << m5 << std::endl;
        std::cout << m2 << std::endl;
        std::cout << m5 << std::endl;

    { //member function curry
        A a;
        auto c = make_curry(&A::func, a);

        auto m1 = c("t1")("t2")("t3");
        auto m2 = c("test1")("test2")("test3");

        auto m3 = c("m1");
        auto m4 = m3("m2");
        auto m5 = m4("m3");

        std::cout << m1 << std::endl;
        std::cout << m2 << std::endl;
        std::cout << m5 << std::endl;
    { //lambda function curry
        auto fn = [](string a, string b, string c) {
            return "lambda function:" + a + b + c;
        auto c = make_curry(fn);

        auto m1 = c("t1")("t2")("t3");
        auto m2 = c("test1")("test2")("test3");

        auto m3 = c("m1");
        auto m4 = m3("m2");
        auto m5 = m4("m3");

        std::cout << m1 << std::endl;
        std::cout << m2 << std::endl;
        std::cout << m5 << std::endl;


    auto func3 = make_curry(func);
    std::cout << func3("Hello, ")( "World!", " !hi") << std::endl;
    std::cout << func3("Hello, ","World!")(" !hi") << std::endl;
    std::cout << func3("Hello, ","World!", " !hi") << std::endl;
    std::cout << func3()("Hello, ", "World!", " !hi") << std::endl;
    return 0;