
时间:2015-12-28 20:36:17

标签: perl


$thread1 = new threads \&callfunc1,"1";
$thread2 = new threads \&callfunc1,"2";
$thread3 = new threads \&callfunc1,"3";
$thread4 = new threads \&callfunc1,"4";
$thread5 = new threads \&callfunc1,"5";
$thread6 = new threads \&callfunc1,"6";
$thread7 = new threads \&callfunc1,"7";
$thread8 = new threads \&callfunc1,"8";
$thread9 = new threads \&callfunc1,"9";
$thread10 = new threads \&callfunc1,"10";
$thread11 = new threads \&callfunc1,"11";
$thread12 = new threads \&callfunc1,"12";


$thread13 = new threads \&callfunc2,"1";
$thread14 = new threads \&callfunc2,"2";
$thread15 = new threads \&callfunc2,"3";
$thread16 = new threads \&callfunc2,"4";
$thread17 = new threads \&callfunc2,"5";
$thread18 = new threads \&callfunc2,"6";


$thread19 = new threads \&callfunc3,"1";
$thread20 = new threads \&callfunc3,"2";
$thread21 = new threads \&callfunc3,"3";


$thread22 = new threads \&callfunc4,"1";
$thread23 = new threads \&callfunc4,"2";
$thread24 = new threads \&callfunc4,"3";

我有四个文件。我需要合并这些文件并生成一个文件。新文件应包含file_1.txt中的每个奇数行,来自file_2.txt的偶数行 file_3.txt 中的第4行&来自 file_4.txt 的第8行。


$thread1 = new threads \&callfunc1,"1";
$thread13 = new threads \&callfunc2,"1";
$thread2 = new threads \&callfunc1,"2";
$thread19 = new threads \&callfunc3,"1";
$thread3 = new threads \&callfunc1,"3";
$thread14 = new threads \&callfunc2,"2";
$thread4 = new threads \&callfunc1,"4";
$thread22 = new threads \&callfunc4,"1";
$thread5 = new threads \&callfunc1,"5";
$thread15 = new threads \&callfunc2,"3";
$thread6 = new threads \&callfunc1,"6";
$thread20 = new threads \&callfunc3,"2";
$thread7 = new threads \&callfunc1,"7";
$thread16 = new threads \&callfunc2,"4";
$thread8 = new threads \&callfunc1,"8";
$thread23 = new threads \&callfunc4,"2";
$thread9 = new threads \&callfunc1,"9";
$thread17 = new threads \&callfunc2,"5";
$thread10 = new threads \&callfunc1,"10";
$thread21 = new threads \&callfunc3,"3";
$thread11 = new threads \&callfunc1,"11";
$thread18 = new threads \&callfunc2,"6";
$thread12 = new threads \&callfunc1,"12";
$thread24 = new threads \&callfunc4,"3";


unlink "threadperl.txt";
my @files = ('file_1.txt','file_2.txt','file_3.txt','file_4.txt');
my @fh;

#create an array of open filehandles.
@fh = map { open my $f, $_ or die "Cant open $_:$!"; $f } @files;

open my $out_file, ">threadperl.txt" or die "can't open out_file: $!";

my $output;
    $output = '';
    foreach (@fh){

        my $line = <$_>;
        if (defined $line){
            #Special case: might not be a newline at the end of the file
            #add a newline if none is found.
            $line .= "\n" if ($line !~ /\n$/);
            $output .= $line;

    print {$out_file} $output;
while ($output ne '');

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



    open my $handle, '<', "file_1.txt";
    chomp(my @file1 = <$handle>);
    close $handle;


    my @odd_indexed_elements = @file1[map { $_ * 2 + 1 } 1 .. int($#array / 2) - 1];
    my @even_indexed_elements = @file2[map { $_ * 2 } 1 .. int($#array / 2)];


    print output push( @file1, @file2 );

答案 1 :(得分:0)




use strict;

my $debug = 0;

my @inFiles = (
   { fileName=>"file_1.txt", label=>"even", filter=>sub { ( shift->{lineCnt} % 2 ) == 0 } },
   { fileName=>"file_2.txt", label=>"odd",  filter=>sub { ( shift->{lineCnt} % 2 ) != 0 } },
   { fileName=>"file_3.txt", label=>"4th",  filter=>sub { ( shift->{lineCnt} % 4 ) == 0 } },
   { fileName=>"file_4.txt", label=>"8th",  filter=>sub { ( shift->{lineCnt} % 8 ) == 0 } }
   # Ok to add additional files here if desired, ok to use other filtering "logic".
   # For example, we could teach capture() to add the current line to a given $inFile,
   # then you could write "filters" subroutines that did pattern matching as well.
   # { fileName=>"file_4.txt",  # Path to input file
   #   label=>"8th",            # more or less a comment to describe the filter's goal.
   #   filter=>sub {            # read logic calls this to see if we should keep a line.
   #      # This is a more verbose version of hwo the filter logic works.
   #      # I want to point out you can get fairly complex, and include debug prints
   #      # in here.  Also just leaving it at "shift->{..." is a bit opaque.
   #      my $hash = shift;
   #      my $curLineNumber = $hash->{lineCnt};
   #      my $result = ( $curLineNumber % 8 ) == 0;
   #      print "$hash->{fileName}.$curLineNumber: label=$label, result=$result\n";
   #      return $result;
   #   }
   #  }

# Initialize our files.
# Since we are keeping everything we know about an input file
# in a HASH, we'll add some new keys here to make life easier.
foreach my $inFile  ( @inFiles ) {
   # $inFile is a hash ref for each of the file1 file2 etc.
   my $name = $inFile->{fileName}; # just a shortcut, we'll use name a lot so easier to read.
   -e $name || die "input file $name does not exist.";
   -f $name || die "input file $name is not a regular file.";
   # our first new key will be the file handle - we'll use this later for reading.
   open $inFile->{handle}, "<", "$name" || die "open $name for reading: $!";
   $inFile->{lineCnt} = 0; # another new key, count how many lines we have read from this file.
   $inFile->{filterCnt} = 0; # also count how many times our filter answers true.
   print "opened input file $inFile->{fileName}, label=$inFile->{label}\n" if $debug;

my $readCnt; # track how much (if anything) we read.
do {
   $readCnt = 0; # assume we read nothing this time.
   foreach my $inFile  ( @inFiles ) {
      $readCnt += capture( $inFile ); # may have read something...
} while( $readCnt >= 1 ); # so long as we read soemthing try again.

print "Data reading completed, closing input files...\n";
my $totalHits = 0;
foreach my $inFile  ( @inFiles ) {
   close($inFile->{handle}) || warn "Ignoring error closing input file $inFile->{fileName}: $!";
   $totalHits += $inFile->{filterCnt};
   printf "\tfile: %12s  <%6s> #lines: %4d #hits: %4d\n"
      , $inFile->{fileName},
      , $inFile->{lineCnt},
      , $inFile->{label},
      , $inFile->{filterCnt},
print "Done.  Total hits=$totalHits\n";

sub capture {
   my $inFile = shift;
   my $line;
   my $readCnt = 0;
   my $handle = $inFile->{handle};
   if( $line = <$handle> ) {
      ++$readCnt;  # lets our caller know not out of data.
      my $filter = $inFile->{filter}; # get our filtering subroutine
      my $filterResult = &$filter( $inFile ); # invoke the subroutine
      printf "%s.%03d: <%5s> filterResult=%s\n", $inFile->{fileName},$inFile->{lineCnt}, $inFile->{label}, $filterResult if $debug;
      if( $filterResult  ) {
         ++$inFile->{filterCnt}; # count how many times the filter hits.
         print "$inFile->{fileName}.$inFile->{lineCnt}: $line";
         # you could write this to wherever you want it.
   } else {
      # no more data for this input file, nothing to do.
   return $readCnt; # will be 0 or 1