
时间:2016-01-04 10:20:55

标签: jquery arrays json


  • 3个简单的
  • 一个差异问题,有两个答案(基本上下一步取决于这一个。如果用户选择其中一个答案进入路径,显然,如果它选择另一个,他们采取另一个路径
  • 上一个问题正在定义的另外5个问题
  • 一个额外的问题。

现在, 3个简单的 将超过3个,但只有3个将从数组中随机挑选。 差异 只有一个,并且始终保持不变。 另外5个问题 正被分成两个不同的数组(每个特定数组中有超过5个,问题是随机选择的)。一旦用户回答了5个问题,它将根据他或她选择的差异问题从两个不同的阵列中随机选择 一个问题

这应该是脚本背后的逻辑。现在,我的问题是我在这些阵列中没有真正有效率或jSON那么重要而且我对于 if '到底应该怎样才能得到一定的线索?看起来像。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


您可以解析json文件并将其作为javascript数组使用(注意调用函数 onQuestionsLoaded

$.getJSON('https://domain.com/file.json', function(data) {         


      "question": "How are you?",
      "order": 1,
      "answers": [
            "option": "a",
            "answer": "Not very well."
         }, {
            "option": "b",
            "answer": "I am pretty fine, thank you."
   }, {
      "question": "How can I help you then?",
      "order": 2,
      "assume": {"order": 1, "answer": "a"},
      "answers": [
         { .. }
   }, {
      "question": "Nice to hear that!",
      "order": 2,
      "assume": {"order": 1, "answer": "b"},
      "answers": [
         { .. }


var questions = []; //will hold all questions
var answers = []; //will hold answers given by the user, so we can show questions based on previous answers

function onQuestionsLoaded(data){ //called after json is loaded and parsed
   prepareQuestions(data); //here we prepare array of questions so we can read questions by their order
   showQuestion(1); //showing first question

function prepareQuestions(data){
   for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)

function showQuestion(order){
   var nextQuestion = getNextQuestion(order);
   if(nextQuestion != null){
      //and more to show particular question

function getNextQuestion(order){
      alert('Question with order ['+ order +'] does not exist.');
      return null;
   } else {
      if(questions[order].length > 1){ //if question by given order has more variants
         return pickVariant(order);
      } else return questions[order][0]; //getting a first question in given order

function pickVariant(order){
   for(var i = 0; i < questions[order].length; i++)
         var question = questions[order][i];
         if(answers[question.assume.order] == question.assume.answer) //desired "if" for checking if the some of previous question was answered by assumed answer
            return question;

   return null; //for case that none of questions belongs to given answer

function answerQuestion(order, option){ //you call this when user selects the answer, where the argument "option" is "b" for "I am pretty fine, thank you"
   answers[order] = option; //remember the answer, so we get 1 = b, 2 = a, 3 = d .. and so on
   showQuestion(order + 1); //showing the next question
