
时间:2016-01-05 21:15:49

标签: api solidworks

我创建了一个宏,可以将我的自定义属性导入到Solidworks零件文件中。问题是Solidworks似乎不理解我选择的VBA文本字体并导入修改后的文本。谁能帮我解决这个问题? You can see the altered text here.

Solidworks output

enter image description here

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我不认为我可以测试这个,因为我的安装使用英文ASCII编码,看起来你使用的是我无法使用的字符,但我发现这段代码转换为ASCII to Unicode

Public Function AsciiToUnicode(sText As String) As String
  Dim saText() As String, sChar As String
  Dim sFinal As String, saFinal() As String
  Dim x As Long, lPos As Long

  If Len(sText) = 0 Then
    Exit Function
  End If

  saText = Split(sText, ";") 'Unicode Chars are semicolon separated

  If UBound(saText) = 0 And InStr(1, sText, "&#") = 0 Then
    AsciiToUnicode = sText
    Exit Function
  End If

  ReDim saFinal(UBound(saText))

  For x = 0 To UBound(saText)
    lPos = InStr(1, saText(x), "&#", vbTextCompare)

    If lPos > 0 Then
      sChar = Mid$(saText(x), lPos + 2, Len(saText(x)) - (lPos + 1))

      If IsNumeric(sChar) Then
        If CLng(sChar) > 255 Then
          sChar = ChrW$(sChar)
          sChar = Chr$(sChar)
        End If
      End If

      saFinal(x) = Left$(saText(x), lPos - 1) & sChar
    ElseIf x < UBound(saText) Then
      saFinal(x) = saText(x) & ";" 'This Semicolon wasn't a Unicode Character
      saFinal(x) = saText(x)
    End If

  sFinal = Join(saFinal, "")
  AsciiToUnicode = sFinal

  Erase saText
  Erase saFinal
End Function