
时间:2016-01-08 22:03:57

标签: java arrays sorting heapsort





public class ImprovedHeapSort<T>
     * @param unsortedArr Array to be sorted
     * @return sortedArr The sorted array
     * Static method which is an improved version of the HeapSort algorithm. The array 
     * is used to create a sorted array, which is treated as a minheap. 
     * The root is at index 0 and the last element is at index length-1.
     * Each element is compared to its children, which are at positions 2n+1 and 2(n+1).  
     * Swapping and comparison continues until the root is reached.

    public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T[] HeapSort (T[] unsortedArr)
         * Throw exception if array is empty.
        if (unsortedArr[0] == null)
            throw new EmptyCollectionException("Array");

         * If array only contains one element.
        if (unsortedArr.length == 1)
            return unsortedArr;

        T[] heapArr = Arrays.copyOf(unsortedArr, unsortedArr.length);

        for(int i = 0; i < unsortedArr.length; i++)

            heapArr[i] = unsortedArr[i];

             * Swapping to put element in appropriate location, if necessary.

                int cur = i;
                T temp = heapArr[i];

                 * Swapping until root isn't reached and the element being added
                 * would no longer be less than its parent.
                while(cur > 0 && temp.compareTo(heapArr[(cur-1)/2]) < 0)
                    heapArr[cur] = heapArr[(cur-1)/2];  //Swap cur with parent
                    cur = (cur-1)/2;                        //Move up to parent


                heapArr[cur] = temp;                        //Insert at appropriate spot.


         * Remove the root element from the heap array and add it to unsortedArr

        for (int y = 0; y < unsortedArr.length; y++)
                int count = heapArr.length - (y+1);     //Count decreased after every pass.
                T rootElem = heapArr[0];                //Store root
                heapArr[0] = heapArr[heapArr.length- (y+1)];    //Set root to last element.
                unsortedArr[y] = rootElem;              //Add root to unsortedArr

                int node = 0;
                int left = 1;
                int right = 2;
                int next;

                if ((heapArr[left] == null) && (heapArr[right] == null))
                    next = count-1;
                else if (heapArr[right] == null)
                    next = left;
                else if (heapArr[left].compareTo(heapArr[right]) < 0)
                    next = left;
                    next = right;

                T temp = heapArr[node];

             * Swap until appropriate location is found. Least child is shifted up.

            while ((next < count) && 
                (heapArr[next]).compareTo(temp) < 0)
                heapArr[node] = heapArr[next];
                node = next;
                left = 2 * node + 1;
                right = 2 * (node + 1);

                if ((heapArr[left] == null) && (heapArr[right] == null))
                    next = count-2;
                else if (heapArr[right] == null)
                    next = left;
                else if (heapArr[left].compareTo(heapArr[right]) < 0)
                    next = left;
                    next = right;
            heapArr[node] = temp;       //Insert node at appropriate location

        return unsortedArr;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



     * Throw exception if array is empty.
    if (unsortedArr[0] == null)
        throw new EmptyCollectionException("Array");


if (unsortedArr == null) {



            int node = 0;
            int left = 1;
            int right = 2;
            int next;

            if ((heapArr[left] == null) && (heapArr[right] == null))
                next = count-1;
            else if (heapArr[right] == null)
                next = left;
            else if (heapArr[left].compareTo(heapArr[right]) < 0)
                next = left;
                next = right;


